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11-03-13, 01:23
i have found 2 lumps in my right testicul and also i have noticed that ive got fluid in there too, i have also got a pain just above the scrotum on that side i wouldnt say its excruiating pain but a pain that i can tell is there i am getting this checked out tomora but i am scare ive testicul torsen comin on and the thought of surgery is making me me go out my mind what is the ahances it is testicul torsen?

11-03-13, 01:31
Hi there,

I know it's hard, but try to chill, get some good sleep and find out all about it tomorrow :)

I know what its like to worry and I know how easy it is for our imaginations to run riot with us, it's a trait of anxiety I'm afraid :)

But you're not going to know anything more until you see the doctor tomorrow, so doing all of the "what if this and what if that stuff" isn't going to really help you.

I'm sure it will all be fine and something that's easy to sort out, so just chill and sleep :)

11-03-13, 01:44
thanks moosie,
trying to rest but it feels as though the pain is gettin worse :( i dont know if it actually is or if its just in my head, ive googled it n testicular torsen is what i came across n it says its a medical emergency is the reason i cant sleep, have you got any advice on this or has anybody?

11-03-13, 02:26
Aww please don't Google, I was so hoping that you wouldn't do that :lac:

Well I'm no doctor or medically qualified in any way, but I've heard that it's supposed to be excruciating pain with that.

All I can advise if you're really that worried is to ring NHS direct, find them on Google, they are all highly trained nurses who will be able to tell you what you need to do, if anything, before tomorrow when you see the doctor.

Failing that, you've also got your local out of hours doctors service, if you ring your surgery now, there will be a recorded message telling you the number that you need to call. They normally get a doctor to ring you in the first instance to see if you need further medical attention :)