View Full Version : Anxious bad :( please someone reply

11-03-13, 01:57
So I've been ok all day, was laying in bed watching tv waiting for my other half to get home and fell asleep, then he called to say he was outside. So I went downstairs to let him in and start feeling like I can't breathe properly and a weird feeling like my thoat is hot when I breathe in. I'm on propranolol 80mg twice a day. I think I forgot to take my morning tablet sp took it around 2pm now worrying wether I did take my morning one and I've taken to many although I no it won't hurt me because people are on a lot higher sometimes. I've also taken a gaviscon it case it was heart burn. If somebody cauld message (I no it's late) I wauld really appreciate it. Thank you :)

macc noodle
11-03-13, 02:03
Hey hunni - bad night eh? I am lying here with pins n needles, chest pain and upset tum - mind working overtime but I bet we are both ok by daybreak xxxxx

11-03-13, 02:19
Aww sorry you're both having a rough night.

I have trouble sleeping too, hence I'm still around, but mine's not anxiety, it's stress with me and not being able to switch my mind off.

Try some soft, gentle music if you can, that sometimes helps me.

I hope you both get some sleep soon, I know it's horrible being awake with anxiety, hugs to you both :hugs:

11-03-13, 02:25
I have many times wondered did I take my meds and have I taken too much now if I didn't forget? :wacko: I think this is enough to trigger some major anxiety in us as we ponder the possibility of all the what if's?? I am sat here, unable to sleep, heavy headed, slightly dizzy and palpy. I am so damn tired but I know if I go to bed now a million things will be going around in my head.

I hope you feel better soon and get some well deserved sleep. Take care, Kitti :)

---------- Post added at 02:25 ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 ----------

Well, that makes four of us then :doh: hope you all get some sleep soon xxxx

11-03-13, 02:32
kittikat you sound the same as me. I just can't stop things going round and round in my head at the moment.

During the day it's not so bad because I can easily distract myself but at night it's awful.

I feel really tired, heavy eyelids, but, like you, I know that the minute I get into bed my mind will be off again:wacko:

I've just bought a deep sleep relaxation CD, but just as I'm getting relaxed another thought pops into my head and then I'm wide awake again :doh:

Hope we all manage some sleep tonight :hugs:

11-03-13, 02:48
:roflmao: So much for the relaxation CD AuntieM lol... :roflmao:

Have a nice hot chocolate :yesyes: and here's to some sleep (eventually!!) :hugs: xx