View Full Version : A "LONG" 9 months

11-03-13, 02:57
Hi all
Just joined this site, and posted in the introduce section, will tell a little about me and what has been going on.

Well I am have just turned 23 and a hairdresser form the Eastmiddlands, and what I have been told by doctors in the last few weeks is caused by nerves. And panic attacks.

This all started from last summer (I think) where I was at work and I was speaking to a client, when I was sat on a stool and she was talking to me and I could hear her but nothing was going in I felt dizzy very hot and my eyes went slight blurred, and I felt like i was unbalanced on the stool like I was going to fall off. It only lasted about a minute and then I came round. At the end of the day I told my boss, and just put it down to drinking too much coffee.

I think a few days passed and it happened again only but standing, but felt very unbalanced like I was going to fall over but never did (glad all my hair cuts were level).

I think I experience my first panic attack while at work which I think was my own fault as I had some drinks the night before and came to work had two caffeine tables and a cup of coffee in the first hour at work I went into the back was shaking all over, went very dizzy heart paputaions and thinking I was going to pass out and couldn't breath. After about 15 minutes I carmed down. And thinking never doing that again.

Then I seemed to get heart paputaions and dizziness , unblanced feeling and what not, all the time still thinking its the coffee so I stop drinking ( not that I drank lots anyway)

But then it got worse and worse and worse I have been working at my salon for over 3 years and never had a sick day off. Not been to the doctors for years and years. So didn't think anything was really wrong so just got on with my day to day work.

I have had a lot of plans by the time Xmas came which Is very busy at work, in Xmas week I was doing a 7 day week and long hour which took its told.
And then in January me and my boyfriend was moving house I had a driving test and I was going to Australia to seen my sister. This was happing all in January.
Just before I was to go away my boyfriends mum was taken in to hospital. And we went to see her. (By this time I still was quite right still didn't know what was wrong me kinda this strange feeling that was with me constantly which I couldn't shift) you could see that she wasn't very well. Having to were a gas mask. It was hard to watch. Me and my boyfriend had long talk about me going away, and he said I still should go and he has his family here as well. This was very hard for both of us.

On the day I lefted to go to the land of oz I had my driving test on the first day it snowed OMG!! Which thankfully I passed :yesyes: first time. Straight after I had to go airport while in the car I have a few mini attacks but tring to hold then down it was hard.

I managed to get thought the flight and the wait time to get there all in all 31 hours OUCH! Was a lovely time seen my sister and her daughter after 6years was great. Until I found out that my boyfriends mother had passed. Which was horrid, I think the anxiety and panic went over bored and couldn't sleep shanking not been able to breath. I had all kinds of thoughts going around thinking I was going to die, have a heart attack, I have got cancer all sorts I told my mum who was in oz visiting as well she said it is anxiety and panic attacks so I look this up and seen that many symptoms are the same as what I was going though.

I had to cut my holiday short I was very bad not just for me but my boyfriend as well. With a hard time moving on his own and going to a furnal. I got back to England and we cried and all sorts. By this time I knew that I had to go see a doctor. After about 9 months of suffering. They did blood and listened to my heart and lungs. And he said that we would have to wait for the blood to come back. The dr rang after two days and told me to come in. He said all blood is fine apart from my vitamin b12 was very low. And had another test to see if I have pernicious anemia. Which I don't thank goodness. I stared back work and after a few days I had a massive panic attack at work. I went to the hospital I was very scared. Had a ECG taken which came back fine and the dr said it was just a panic attack and see my gp.
My doctor then told me to take citalopram 10mg of it after 4 days of taken it I again had a massive panic attack in the cinema. This time my arms went numb and legs went like jelly. Hospital again. Lots of blood test ECG again and two other blood test for the heart was taken all came back fine.

I am now on my 2nd week of citalopram and I am starting to feel a little better my legs don't feel so tence and I went a whole day at work without feeling like I am going to fall over while standing!

So I am hoping this is the start of something great.

If u managed to get though this thanks I just need to get this out of my head!


11-03-13, 12:13
Sounds to me that you have got throught a awful lot in the last few months. Anxiety and panic attacks is something that does come on when you least expect it (thats How it affects me) Does anything actually trigger these attacks?. But now you have been to the Docs and he put you on some meds hopefully in time you will gradually see a great improvment.

11-03-13, 13:21
Sounds to me that you have got throught a awful lot in the last few months. Anxiety and panic attacks is something that does come on when you least expect it (thats How it affects me) Does anything actually trigger these attacks?. But now you have been to the Docs and he put you on some meds hopefully in time you will gradually see a great improvment.

Hey thanks for the reply,
I think it's when my anxity is very high as in I feeling very dizzy, unbalanced which is the worst, and I think when I start noticing my breathing, and my thoughts are going like mad. Which send me in to a full blown panic attack.

Just trying to keep as normal as possible but very hard!

12-03-13, 09:14
I hope you start to feel better very soon, you have been through quite a lot of life changing experiences recently - and managed to come out the other side relatively unscathed. So, give yourself a pat on the back, you are still managing to get up in the morning and go to work. You are probably a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.

12-03-13, 17:32
I hope you start to feel better very soon, you have been through quite a lot of life changing experiences recently - and managed to come out the other side relatively unscathed. So, give yourself a pat on the back, you are still managing to get up in the morning and go to work. You are probably a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for.

Hi bobbydog
Thanks for the reply
Yes been though a lot it has been very hard. I think that I should think a bit more positive about myself defo!

Dragging myself to work and with a massive FAKE smile on!

Thanks that means a lot

Hope you are doing well

12-03-13, 20:42
We all have to solider on throught our troubles and hopefully we will be able to manage them or maybe better beat them. Good luck as we all know what you are going through.