View Full Version : Anxiety is through the roof.

11-03-13, 07:25
Hi All!

I have been doing really great on Prozac but seem to hit an off week or two. I feel like I did when I first started taking it. Really anxious, upset stomach, cant sleep. Im having some major life changes. I am moving in with my boyfriend next month (first time I have ever lived with a boy). This past week was the first anniversary of my grandfather passing. My two best friends from home are pregnant and having babies while Im over studying in the UK. I started having obsessive negative thoughts like my boyfriend was cheating on me while he was on vacation last week or what if I become super depressed and lose control and hurt myself. Im not sure what to do. Has anyone just had a bad week and it has gotten better or do I need to up my meds as maybe they arent working?

Im 30 years old! I should be able to adapt to change but alas I can't without being extremely anxious! Sorry to moan about these issues. Change can be good but I feel like its always bad because it always has been in the past.

11-03-13, 09:46

You said it yourself, you're having some major life changes - that's enough to make anyone feel unsettled and anxious. How long have you been on the Prozac and what dose are you on? Might be worth having a chat with your GP again but it sounds to me as if what you're going through is circumstantial.

The weeks around me moving in with my partner were awful, I have to say. It was a huge, HUGE disruption for someone who'd lived alone for 4 years! (I was 32 at the time). I hated leaving my little house and letting it out to strangers, and to be honest for the first couple of weeks after we moved in together we really didn't get on very well! I thought I'd made a huge mistake. I was on the verge of kicking out the tenants and moving home again!!! Like you, every time he went out overnight with the boys, I thought he was cheating. But it was my head telling me lies.

I tell you this because it all worked out, even though I couldn't see how it would. We got used to each other, adjusted our lifestyles and 3 years later we're married and I am so glad I didn't give up so easily! I love him to bits.

And banish the word "should" from your vocab - it does us no favours although I'm great at telling myself I SHOULD be better than this etc etc etc..... :hugs:

11-03-13, 10:54
Thank you Sunshine for your response!

Im on 20mg and have been since October. I hate being like I took a step back but blips and slips are normal right??

I'm glad it worked out for you. I have been on my own for a number of years now and am petrified to live with my boyfriend! I know itll be good and Im excited but theres that fear deep down.

11-03-13, 17:35
I would say they're normal, after all we're still human!

I was on Prozac 20mg for a couple of years but for depression rather than anxiety. I came off them in October at just about the same time as I started a new job and my father tried to commit suicide. Don't ask me why I thought this was a good time to come off them, it's insane I know! I went back on them on 31/12 but they weren't working for me 2nd time round and following an anxiety meltdown I'm now on Citalopram instead. But anyway, point is that during those 2 years of Prozac I still had life events happen (including the cohabiting bit) and it didn't stop me from feeling the anxiety, it just made it more manageable.

I think it's understandable for change to be scary. Just keep an eye on your mood and don't be afraid to go back to the docs if you need to. In the meantime enjoy building your new home - it's the start of a new chapter for you! Take care :hugs: