View Full Version : Feeling so low and helpless :(

11-03-13, 07:27
Lately I've felt really low, helpless, worthless, a disappointment, the whole nine yards. I posted a little bit back that I felt I had to leave my job due to it being such a strong trigger for my anxiety, that's pretty much done now and even though I know I had to do it I feel like im a horrible lazy person for doing it. My partner told me recently that they've been having problems of their own and that I was dismissive and unsupportive, and they were right. I was entirely wrapped in my own problems and now even though we've talked it out I fear greatly that I'll lose them because im such a screw up. I take propranolol and citalopram, I felt so bad I recently took more than I was prescribed of both, along with some herbal stuff, because I felt so out of control if everything that I just wanted to sleep and make it stop just for a little while.

I feel like I've completely lost control of myself and my whole life is coming apart in front of me. Before I could at least plan for something even if it was just a visit to my GP to talk, but now I dont even feel I can, or want, to do that. Im not sure what to do here :weep:

11-03-13, 10:52
I would take it one step at a time. The feelings you are having are quite common in anxiety sufferers, so you are not alone there.

Try and do one small thing each day that improves your quality of life. You need to focus on the present and not dwell on the past. You left work because of stress, not because you are a bad person.

If you feel up to it, would be a good idea to discuss your feelings with your doctor, and ask about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you regain your self confidence.

Wishing you luck.x

11-03-13, 20:06
Thank you, it's really nice to hear some reassurance that I left for the right reason. Im due to start an online CBT course soon and hoping it might help, although if im honest pretty unsure what it could do.