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View Full Version : Help am i withdrawing

11-03-13, 08:05
Hi guys I feel real panicky again,feeling sick,spaced out,crying,shaking,bad temperd,shouting at all my loved ones,I JUST CAN'T COPE.I reduced my lorazepam by 1mg last night so I'm only taking 1 now.I don't see my gp until tomorrow morning but I can't see me coping all day and another night before I get to see him.I still woke up 4 times which is normal for me.I have been a bit anxious for about a week now when I woke up about 2am onwards but when I was finely up about 8.30 and for the rest of the day I was fine.PLEASE PLEASE someone answer me NOW thankyou.x

11-03-13, 09:06
Hi Jean,

i dont know you, but I am here for you.
We live in a different country but you are in my thoughts.

the nights and the early mornings are tough, i know.
I am battling through withdrawals too and each day i am surprised that i managed to get to see another day.

All you need to remember is that you have the power. Your emotions, brain and the subsequent empty feelings are NOT YOU.

you are a by-stander.
try to seperate yourself from them
look at the from a distance.
observe them

You are not your mind.


email is shelley.hartley@gmail.com
here to chat anytime.

11-03-13, 09:14
Hi jean i really think your reducing your lorazepam too quickly, 1mg is a huge drop seeing as its equivalent to 10mg of diazepam, alot of people when reducing their lorazepam are switched over to diazepam as it comes in 2mg tablets making it easier to taper off slowly, hope this helps x x

11-03-13, 09:52
Hi Jean

I have no experience of lorazepam so can't comment on that part but I do understand the return of the panic.

You CAN cope. You have been coping and you will cope again. It's just that right now you need to be kind to yourself and not try & cope with too much today. How are you feeling now? Mornings are a killer for me.

If you're still feeling as bad, can you get an emergency appointment with your GP for today, at the end of surgery perhaps?

I hope today gets better for you and just wanted to say that you're not alone :hugs:

11-03-13, 09:57
How are you doing now Jean? If it helps I'm working from home all day on my PC so anytime you feel like you need someone to speak to just PM me xxx

11-03-13, 13:05
Hi Jean,

i dont know you, but I am here for you.
We live in a different country but you are in my thoughts.

the nights and the early mornings are tough, i know.
I am battling through withdrawals too and each day i am surprised that i managed to get to see another day.

All you need to remember is that you have the power. Your emotions, brain and the subsequent empty feelings are NOT YOU.

you are a by-stander.
try to seperate yourself from them
look at the from a distance.
observe them

You are not your mind.


email is shelley.hartley@gmail.com
here to chat anytime.
Ladyjane thankyou so much for your reply,I am hoping it is withdrawal symptoms I am feeling a little bit better now.but I now want to know if it is withdrawal symptoms how long days/weeks are they likely to last for.hope you are having a good day.x

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 ----------

Hi jean i really think your reducing your lorazepam too quickly, 1mg is a huge drop seeing as its equivalent to 10mg of diazepam, alot of people when reducing their lorazepam are switched over to diazepam as it comes in 2mg tablets making it easier to taper off slowly, hope this helps x x

Nicola thanks for your reply,this is the second time I have tried to reduce my dose,in fact it was last week and when I spoke to the on duty doctor he told me to go back up to 2 a day for the next week and I was to book an appointment to see my own gp for the following week.I have some diazepam so I might take a couple of them throughout the night.I have an appointment tomorrow.x

11-03-13, 13:42
Hi Jean How are you now? Sorry I just saw your message. My laptop went to laptop heaven last night :( I can't get it to work at all so have borrowed my husbands and have ordered myself another one. Hubby is away all week. Jean if you need someone to chat to please call me. It is snowing really heavy here today so I won't be going anywhere! :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

11-03-13, 14:30
Hi Jean

I have no experience of lorazepam so can't comment on that part but I do understand the return of the panic.

You CAN cope. You have been coping and you will cope again. It's just that right now you need to be kind to yourself and not try & cope with too much today. How are you feeling now? Mornings are a killer for me.

If you're still feeling as bad, can you get an emergency appointment with your GP for today, at the end of surgery perhaps?

I hope today gets better for you and just wanted to say that you're not alone :hugs:
Sunshine (love your name) thankyou for your reply,I have had a easy morning not doing anything and I am a bit calmly.the more the time goes the more I think it could be withdrawal symptoms.I might begin to feel a panicky towards bed time so I have got a few diazepam at hand.can't wait until I see my gp tomorrow morning.hope you are well.x

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

How are you doing now Jean? If it helps I'm working from home all day on my PC so anytime you feel like you need someone to speak to just PM me xxx

Lissa,thankyou for your reply,I am feeling a little bit better now and I also was not calm enough to come on here.thanks for your offer but I would not have been able to concentrate.I was like a lion pacing up and down and could not sit still.seeing gp tomorrow so hopefully he will sort me out again.have a good afternoon.x

---------- Post added at 14:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

Hi Jean How are you now? Sorry I just saw your message. My laptop went to laptop heaven last night :( I can't get it to work at all so have borrowed my husbands and have ordered myself another one. Hubby is away all week. Jean if you need someone to chat to please call me. It is snowing really heavy here today so I won't be going anywhere! :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

Hi Annie,thanks for reply I have been having trouble all weekend trying to get on here.thought it might be me because me and teck do not work as a team.now I found out this morning my kindle fire hd has started to play up,the timer has reset itself to 2003 and the time is over 3 hours behind.so I might be taking this back to argos has its only a few months old.perhaps your laptop and mine are going to hold hands and dance off into the sunset.lol.I will be going to see my gp in the morning so he can sort me out once more.I might have a diazepam before I go to bed as a couple of "my friends"on here have already suggested.OH I JUST LOVE THIS SITE AND THE PEOPLE ON IT.been snowing on and off all morning and my hubby said it's bitterly cold.you sound has if you are feeling a bit better now.I hope you are has you have also been through the wringer this past few weeks.one day we are going to be singing and dancing and our love one's Will think we have gone mad.take care.xxx

11-03-13, 15:51
email is shelley.hartley@gmail.com
here to chat anytime.


Can I suggest you remove this email address from public view as you may get lots of spam coming your way :wacko:

11-03-13, 17:19
Sunshine (love your name)

It's what my dad used to call me when I was a little girl!

Glad you've managed to have a peaceful day, you'll feel better when you've talked things through with your doc in the morning. All ok here thanks, quite anxious today but for no reason so trying to ignore it and just get on with stuff. Take care :hugs:

11-03-13, 20:33
It's what my dad used to call me when I was a little girl!

Glad you've managed to have a peaceful day, you'll feel better when you've talked things through with your doc in the morning. All ok here thanks, quite anxious today but for no reason so trying to ignore it and just get on with stuff. Take care :hugs:

Sunshine,thanks for reply only just got back on line.I've been talking to a friend to try and calm down a bit.I've also taken a diazepam because I'm trying to hang on till 10.30 before I have my last pill.take care.x

12-03-13, 06:56
Hi Jean

On behalf of us all - we are thinking of you and are all behind you.

Hard yards but you can do it.

Good luck


12-03-13, 12:22
Hi Jean

On behalf of us all - we are thinking of you and are all behind you.

Hard yards but you can do it.

Good luck

Pac22 thankyou that helps a lot.x