View Full Version : Hello

11-03-13, 11:33
Hello all.

I am a long time reader of the forum and it took me great guts to sign up.

I do have a condition called NF which gives me an added worry.

I have been suffering of anxiety and worry since last June about worrying about cancer and my health in general (do I have this condition or not)

It was an important article about testicular cancer in the newspaper what could have trigger it and more recently the bowel cancer adverts.

I have lost count how many times I have been the doctors in the last year worrying about this pain or that, including marks and symptoms.

I have tried not to google as much now and have tried to stay away from health websites and instead listen to the doctor.

11-03-13, 11:48
Hello & :welcome:

I hope you find some comfort being here and knowing that you are not alone in your anxieties. I think that you will be very glad you took the courage to sign up. Being part of this community has helped me loads. I hope it's the same for you.

Kitti :)

11-03-13, 12:59
Welcome :)

11-03-13, 18:28
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.