View Full Version : Hi Im new

11-03-13, 12:11
Hi all i thought i would come and say hi as i found this site by accident and omg am i glad i found you!
Reading through some of the threads its like reading my life story.:wacko:
I suffer with health anxiety, have done since the birth of my daughter 15 years ago!Im always worried about something, mainly about my own health. At the moment its ovarian cancer, and that all kicked off because i saw a woman talking about it on daytime tv a couple of weeks ago.:shrug: It sounds ridiculous when i put it into words but my brain is telling me otherwise. I wish i could be `normal` and stop worrying myself to death all the time! I went to the gp about this (a few years ago)who put me on Fluoxetine (40mg) daily but i feel as if thats not helping anymore.
Any suggestions to help overcome these fears would be greatly appreciated. Thanks xx

11-03-13, 12:58
Welcome along Barnowl :)

12-03-13, 09:15
A very big warm :welcome: to you.

12-03-13, 17:15
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.