View Full Version : It's time to quit the AD's ?! Or is it ?

11-03-13, 14:06
I think I've come to a point in my life where I think I may be ready to stop using medication. I think I want to do that , I'm not 100% sure , it just feels right when I think I should. I've been taking 40mg citalopram since January , prior to that I was on fluoxteine , I'm not sure if they have or are working. I feel better then what I did last year and January so that's where I come to having doubtful thoughts about stopping them , am I feeling better because they are working ? However , I am willing to put that to the test and see how I get on with no medication. Whilst being on medication I feel it makes me feel weak for depending on a drug , I needed it then , so I feel it's having the reverse effect. I feel depressed and weak because I'm dependant on a drug and that creates insecurity in myself which in return gives me negative thoughts such as 'I can't live without this medication' which in return creates a negative feeling. I also feel I've let this become my identity which is really not who I am because I , all of us , are not the situations that happen in our lives. I'm smart enough to know that by being happy 99% of the time , thanks to medication , is not allowing me to experience the beauty in sadness , unhappiness and negativity. I know that the medication just stops me from living life by blocking out real feelings and it stops me from just being , it's stops the natural flow of life. I think that half the time our anxieties are created by our own egos , my opinion , because the ego feeds off your anxiety. In other words , it strengthens the ego. The ego needs you to identify with false anxieties so you can falsely think 'this is who I am' you then label yourself and seriously , we're not that stupid to not know labels are bad. I can understand if you are extremely depressed and anxious but don't let that get you down because I seriously recommend reading about the ego , the truth and subjects along that line. It took me a very long time to realise that nothing on this earth is that important to make myself crazy over , absolutely NOTHING. That maybe hard to understand and fully accept that right now in your situation but one day you will have to learn this , be it the hard way or the easy way.