View Full Version : Coping at work

11-03-13, 16:18
I work at a nursery and I am always on edge which makes my job even harder! Whenever there is a stressful situation I can feel my panic levels rising. None of the people I work with know about my anxiety and I have been off so many times due to "being ill" so was wondering if anyone had my tips on coping at work or maybe an opinion on whether I should tell my boss about my situation?


11-03-13, 16:44
Hi, it depends on how you view your boss and if you think they will understand. I was off work for 4 weeks and told them it was a viral infection but now he has realised with the state I get in thats its anxiety. He does not understand but I do discuss it with him and try to explain the way I feel. It is frustrating having to cover it up at work but now I've actually told most of my colleagues and they've been great with me!

I usually nip out for some fresh air when I feel the panic coming on. (or to the toilet or cupboard lol

11-03-13, 16:46
Yes I'm not sure she would understand and I already feel left out at work as I am very quiet so telling colleagues might make it worse! :weep: thank you for your reply x