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View Full Version : vertigo and headahes

11-09-06, 22:14
Has anybody had this? I have had ear problems in the past and I think this could be realted, but I am not sure. I have been getting this weird, pulling sensation in my head as well as spinning, like my brain is spinning or something. ALong with headaches, could it be related? Yes but who knows. It's just a really weird feeling and its scarey, has anyone had this? Please help

Leah Beans

12-09-06, 01:45
Oh yes. [Yeah!] I was initially diagnosed with labrynthitis ( an infection of the inner ear balance mechanism) that caused me vertigo and dizziness and symptoms that sound just like yours.
I saw many specialists before my final successfull diagnosis and they all asked me to describe the feeling which I found nearly impossible. After four years and many opinions it is only since I;ve read other peoles acounts that I finally believe that it is all down to anxiety.

"I have learned from my mistakes—and I’m sure I could repeat them exactly.”

12-09-06, 10:20
I have had these symptoms too, they are all part of anxiety and although a bit scarey really nothing to worry about

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

12-09-06, 21:17
yep me too - i have these symptoms also !!

30-10-08, 05:24
yes I am so glad to hear that some people are to having the same problems as I am, I kept thinking that I have brain tomour and thought I was the only one to be thinking this way. I to have had a rushing feeling in my head occiational and vertigo all the time, I have a CT Scan to go to here real soon for make sure everything is ok, and anxiety is a real bummer to have. I am very glad that there is this site it's very helpful!!

30-10-08, 08:59
Hiya Tinker I have had this for a while now, a couple of years ago I went for a scan becausee I was hearing whistling and noises in my ears as well, the scan was normal and the dr said I was just one of those people who had it and to try to learn to live with it he said it wasn't harmful however since I haven't been well this year I have noticed it has all come back.

Hope this helps


06-11-08, 02:11
I wouldn't worry too much there is a virus going around at the moment, I know 4 people, that are suffering from Vertigo and the doc says there is a flu like virus that is attacking the middle ear.

Could be that....
