View Full Version : Panic induced palpitations, tachycardia and High BP.

11-03-13, 18:10
So yesterday I went to Walgreens(Local pharmacy in the US) to buy some supplements, as I stood there looking for supplements I saw the blood pressure machine, I was tempted to measure it, but decided not to. As I was going home I started feeling awful, my feet hurt, and I felt as if my BP was high. When I got home, I took my BP and it was indeed high oscillating between 160/110 and 150/90, that's not the problem though, the problem is that my heart started racing, and slowing down. It will be like, lum-dum lum-dum lum-dum, then it feels as if something flutter(it feels like and extra fast beat or something) and then a strong lum-dum. My girlfriend actually listened to it, and she said it does feel like a skipped beat, just a stronger beat, and that it is how the heart normally beats. The beats would usually happened either when I exhale, or they happen randomly, however I found I can induce them by inhaling and exhaling deeply. When at it worst I would get the sensation about 4-5 times a minute, until it got down to less than once a minute and then dissapeared. This is slightly different from a big thud I felt when I was pacing a while ago and my heart was racing, because this doesn't make me dizzy or leave me out of breath, but still scares the cr?p out of me. I slept poorly last night because of it, and now today I was feeling really tired, then out of the sudden, I got the sensation I couldn't breath, or rather that my chest was tight, and then bang, my heart went racing like crazy. I've had that sensation before, and it sucks, it feels as if you can't breath, then the adrenaline rush. Well, I guess just another round of PAs, I was actually on the low(i.e. Low HR, feeling like passing out, extremely tired) side for a few days, now it seems I switched into the high side after having a good night sleep Sunday and recovering energy.

Anyone else relates to this?

PS: I've been the Doctors, Cardiologist et.al. My Heart is fine, so the problem is nervous, not cardiac. To quote my cardiologist: "My heart is being bullied by the adrenaline, nothing more, nothing less."

11-03-13, 19:47
sounds the same as my trouble i ended up in hospital a few times with this

11-03-13, 19:57
Def sounds like panic/anxiety to me. I get similar. Have you tried any relaxation strategies?

11-03-13, 21:46
I get heart flutters, thudding and a feeling of missed beats all the time, often many times during a day. Funnily enough it's one of the things I don't worry about as I've had it on and off for years and it's always worse when my anxiety is bad.

11-03-13, 22:20
Thank you for the replies!!!! I guess the feeling I get sometimes of unreality(As in if everything around me was unreal, and I'm simply hallucinating from my "terminal illness") can be put down to anxiety too.