View Full Version : Many phobias

11-03-13, 20:07
Using cell phones, mainly phoning someone with it, as part of my condition I have not been told whether or not it is safe to do so, since I have brain scans every few years.

The fear of cancer has gone full blown panic with me, we have no family history of cancer, but it still scares me.

Dogs was a huge phobia for me when I was younger since once jumped up at me when I was three.

Taking tablets I rarely take paracetamol or similar names these days because I am scared of getting addiction to them, also hearing about antibiotics in the news (I have only had to take them once and hope I don't have to take them again.)

11-03-13, 22:32
Shall we call them fears instead of phobias? As you have lots, it's more likely you have an anxiety problem that's causing all these fears. A phobia is often the root cause of an anxiety problem. It can get most confusing as it can be one way round or the other! Are you on any meds or therapy? Getting any help?

12-03-13, 09:10
Many thanks for your reply.

I am not currently on any meds or getting therapy. The doctors, dentist and opticians I see are aware about my fear of cancer and may suggest someone who I can talk to. I have not talked about the other fears.

12-03-13, 11:03
If these fears are causing you a lot of trouble you will have to tell the doctor whochould refer you for some therapy. CBT is popular as it works on gradually exposing yourself to your fears. For now it's a good idea to work on facing your fears rather than avoiding them. The more you face them, the less scary they get!

Paul H
16-03-13, 22:37
Hello there.

It's not usual for people to have regular brain scans. I wonder if whatever has caused you to have to have brain scans was so traumatic (whether consciously or otherwise) that this has led to the phobias. Phobias needn't necessarily be connected directly to the sensitising incident.

I think it's fair to call them phobias. A phobia is defined as being an irrational fear. A fear of being shot in a war zone would be a fear. A terrible fear of being shot when in tescos would be irrational and thus a phobia. Concern that the over-use of mobile 'phones might raise the risk of cancer might be rational (I'm not au fait with the research on this) but a dread that an average use of mobiles would cause cancer is probably irrational.

By all means try CBT but bear in mind that hypnotherapy/NLP have good success rates also.

Best wishes


16-03-13, 22:54
Many thanks for your reply Paul.

I forgot to mention in the thread that I have NF (the eye doctor found something he did not like the look of when I was 9 or 10) was the reason why I had to start having brain scans. My parents knew I had NF when I was a child.

The scans have never found anything serious (in fact it has strunk the last time I went for one) I have never been told whether it is safe or not to use a mobile phone, or for how long at a time I could used one for.

One thing I should really asked the doctors next time I go down for an appointment, or next time I have brain scan about mobile phone, instead of googling NF mobile phone useage.

Paul H
16-03-13, 23:06
Hello there

You're welcome.

I would suggest that being sent for an urgent brain scan, aged nine, followed by the diagnosis etc, would be sufficient to trigger a host of anxieties and phobias.

When I see clients with phobias I always seek out the sensitising incident and deal with any lingering fears and anxieties surrounding this. Therapists who simply work with the phobia are dealing only with a symptom. The risk being that the phobia won't disappear or that the underlying anxiety will surface elsewhere.

My issue with CBT is that it deals with conscious cognitions and can't really touch those which lie beneath. That's my opinion anyway. If you were interested in therapy I'd recommend that you call a bunch and see which approach and which character seems to fit best. Decent therapists (the ones you'd want to see) shouldn't mind discussing their approaches with a prospective client.

All the best
