View Full Version : has anyone obsessed over palatel tori?

12-03-13, 12:13
This has been one of my main ones for years and i haven't done it for quite a while now, a couple of weeks back i burnt the roof of my mouth with some hot food i was tasting straight out of the pan, i got a blister on the roof of my mouth which was gone in a couple of days but it got me poking around again and now i am back to square one, this particular lump when felt with my tongue feels big but when felt with my finger it's probably smaller than the head of a match, it's hard,bony,pointy feeling and i can feel the same on the opposite side in the same place, although it doesn't poke through the sking enough for me to feel it with my tongue like the other one, my common sense tells me that the fact it is opposite one in the same place and that it is most probably just palatal tori that i should just ignore it, but as any of you will know, it's easier said than done.