View Full Version : Long Shot Is this only me ? Please respond obbsesive jealousy

12-03-13, 13:42
Hi everyone, i have not been on these boards for quite some time. I previously suffered from obbsessive anxiety and thinking with my health. In the past i have obbsessive regarding religion. Both these issues have produced grave anxiety.
Now however its is different and i would like to hear fromanyone male or female that has any of these issues. I am totally obsessive in my reltionship with my partner, i find it impossible to trust. Therefore when she is not around i feel physically ill, i suffer rage, fear imagine terrible scenarios. I magine her flirting with other guys, looking at other guys texting emailing at work. I question her try to control her going in certain enviroments where she may meet men. I wake up in terror of a night dreaming she is being unfaithful. A therapist called it pathological jealousy. recently it got worse she got a promotion to managers role which was supposed to be temporoary two months six months a year now a year and a half she is still there and i am terrified she will take this job permenatly. She travels to meetings all over the UK and meets with sales reps, managers executives and i cant handle it yet i cant walk away so i feel trapped. The pain i feel when she is at work is unbearable i feel emotional trauma. We have spoken at length i have seen counceillers i have now lost my job over it i feel lowest ebb. I often drink to cope with the pain but i wake up feeling more anxious paranoid and obssesive. Does anyone have any idea what i am talking about ?:scared15:

12-03-13, 14:03
I’m going to be straight with you, Pele. This doesn’t sound like ‘love.’ It sounds like ‘control’ of another human being. It is vital that you keep getting therapy to sort this out in your head. Because I do know one thing for sure. If you keep tightening your hold on your partner you will certainly drive her away. Your self esteem must be low, and your life is not very full now.

If you drew a square representing your life, and inside drew a circle representing the energy you expend on trying to control your partner, my guess is that circle would fill the whole square. What about other family, friends, hobbies, another job? These things should all form equal sized circles inside the square that represents your life.

You may think she is the only aspect of your life that you can control, but the truth is, no one can control another person. Only in the case of a master and a slave does this happen. Is that what you want? For her to be like a slave? If you love someone you want them to have a happy, full, FREE life.

You mentioned rage, questioning her and trying to control where she goes. You have no right to treat her like this. Drinking won’t help; you know that. You have to make a huge effort to expand your life to include other things. People can feel passionate about their hobbies, or sport or any number of things. You aren’t being fair to her or yourself by making her the centre of your whole world. It won’t feel like ‘love’ to her either. It will feel like suffocation.

Reach out for more help in the form of therapy and start making a list of other things you feel might interest you, so that you become a more rounded, balanced and happy person.

14-03-13, 17:40
I am in thearpy at the minute its tough as she is attention se is it all my fault ? Isn't it about considering someone feelings ? How can u trust another person espicially in this day and age ? You are right i have lost intrest in all my hobbies and pastimes. End of the day she is always wanting to go out with her friends she travels all over the uk with her job ! what if i do have a reason to suspect and be jealous ? Yea i agree with loving someone but what if in that freedom they take the piss out of you ? i am faithful i know that but i dont know if anyone else is ?