View Full Version : Going to be on my own for 3 weeks

12-03-13, 14:30
Getting nervous ... my fiance is leaving for a 2 week work trip in a week. Then he will be back for a day and off for another week. I am getting nervous about that time alone. Lately I have been having a lot of nightmares about my mom dying and waking up screaming. He calms me down and has said if it happens when he is not here to just call him. But it's hard to not have somebody physically there to remind me that it was just a dream.

I will be trying to keep busy. During that time I will have my bridal shower one weekend and my bachelorette party another weekend.

But we also have spring break from classes a week and I will be left without much to do.

Any thoughts? Getting nervous ...

12-03-13, 14:46
Hi Swgrl09..I had this prob 4 years ago.because of my agaraphobia my wife went away without me for 20 nights to America with her mum and dad..I was dredding it in a very selfish way...I wad more bothered how i wad going to feel iside with my anxiety and depression,and not that fussed she was actually going away...!ike you I nerded that physicle company of my wife being araound..Well she went and that was that..Day 1 my anxidty was very high,day two not so bad,untill i spoke to her on skype and actually saw she was in another country..That was it i was hit with DR AND DP and just wanted her to come back asap..NOW.but i knew this wasnt poss..i had to except she was gone..I told her i cant skype any more and for the reasons why...for the next 8 days i was having very high anxiety and paniv attacks i was in hell..
On day 9 and onwards it all started to fade quickly..To my suprise i was actually geting used to it..instead of counting the days and wishing she would come back quick,I was actually happy she was there excperiancing the whole thing.I started to feel norm and was looking forward to the days ahead on my own,,,,How bizzare.....the rest of the days just flew by and before i knew it ,she was coming back home....all that panic and fear for no reason....Its all in our heads....You will be fine..good luck

12-03-13, 15:50
I am the same when hubby s working away as I often get nightmares too. I keep a night light on so it doesn't seem so bad if I wake up. I also keep music on or the TV during the day to keep me company.

13-03-13, 04:20
Thanks, I'll be letting the cat sleep in the bed as for some reason waking up with literally nobody around freaks me out!! I will have to get lots of things to do esp when my classes are off for break.

---------- Post added at 00:20 ---------- Previous post was at 00:20 ----------

We will try to skype too. Sometimes hearing his voice though makes me miss him more! It's close but not the same as having somebody home. I'll make it through, gonna think positive and keep busy

13-03-13, 06:03
Concentrate on your wedding preparations, you have so many things to look forward to. Try going out for a walk each day, spring is on its way, perhaps you could take photographs when you are out. A spot of decorating would keep you busy, spring clean. Buy some plants and get your garden in order. Go to the gym.
You will be fine, no spring brake at NMP.................

13-03-13, 14:30
Thanks, BobbyDog. Those are some really good ideas. We do have some junk building up that needs to be sorted out, donated, etc so I can work on spring cleaning for sure. Hopefully the weather warms up too!