View Full Version : More heart worries...awaiting tests

12-03-13, 16:26
Hello all,

I've had concerns about my heart on and off for a few years. I guess the fact I'm still here should be a little reassuring, but my symptoms have been quite scary lately.

I am under quite a lot of stress, in terms of work being hectic, but not emotionally stressed or particularly worried about anything.

Over the last few months I've had:

Feeling out of breath occasionally
Feeling dizzy when standing
Skipped heartbeats (which sometimes make me feel dizzy)
Chest Pains
Heart squeezing sensation

I'm also currently being investigated for stomach symptoms.

I've had:

ECG - They mentioned minor abnormalities, but otherwise normal
X-Ray - Normal
Blood tests (Pretty much everything) - Normal
Blood Pressure - Normal
Urine - Normal

I've been referred for a 24hr heart monitor and echocardiogram which I'm waiting to get a letter about.

I've seen about 4 doctors, all who don't think it's cardiac related, as I'm 26 (male) and it hasn't progressed into any more sinister symptoms (No passing out, no arm / jaw pain, no vomiting, no swelling, no tingling etc etc)

Could this all be stress related? I can go for several hours, sometimes days without any symptoms, but the dizziness and chest pains seem to be pretty regular, and the skipped heartbeats and heart / chest squeezing is horrible

Sorry for the long message, I just hate constantly feeling anxious about my chest / heart.

Chris x

12-03-13, 16:31
This can be stress related and I think a lot of the members on NMP will have similar symptoms and worries.

12-03-13, 16:54
Thanks Annie.

Anyone here going through similar at the moment?

12-03-13, 20:49
hi mate

yea ive gone through all the cardiac anxiety pretty much the same symptoms as you the heart squeezing and skipping feelings are pvcs which are harmless even tho they dont feel that way the chest pain and the rest is just anxiety and stress

ive had abnormalites on an ecg too which ended up giving me an anxiety or even a stress disorder my cardio consultant said ecg abnormailites are common and gave me the all clear

ive had a 24 hour holter still awaiting the reults that was 5 weeks ago almost hopefully your results will put your mind at ease

13-03-13, 00:02
Im exactly the same boat right now, waiting to see cardiologist on wednesday and im going downhill fast with anxiety about my heart :( I think we all know deep down we're ok but subconsciously worried...

13-03-13, 01:11
Thanks Annie.

Anyone here going through similar at the moment?

Hello Chris

We have crossed paths before my friend and I have been going through the same as you..I have had all the tests and everything was normal.

But still chest pains and also dizziness but I also get arm and jaw pain.. And my symptoms preced my panic attacks.

So I pestered my doctor for a echocardiogram...But I did something really strange I promised myself and my Doctor and also my Family if the test came back normal I would stop worrying about my heart..

And do you know what it was all clear and I have stopped worrying, don't get me wrong I sometimes still get worried if it catches me off guard.

But I made a promise and I don't lie so if I go back to worying about my heart I would have lied to people.

If all the tests are OK you must try to promise yourself that you are OK and believe in your self to control this

I hope this is of some use to you and from one Chris to another Try to believe what you are told it could change your life..

Take care my friend

14-03-13, 00:10
Thanks for all the replies. Really appreciate it.

Yeah I do need to try and ignore it, but whenever my heart skips a beat it feels so much worse and my whole body automatically goes into panic mode. The long lasting chest pains and dizziness make it really hard to do normal stuff, I guess I'll just have to try and power through it?

Anyone have any tips for ignoring symptoms? Whenever I try and take deep breaths it usually makes my dizziness worse or makes my chest feel tighter so I panic more.

Trying to just close my eyes when it happens and then carry on with what I'm doing but it's hard work!

Chris x

14-03-13, 05:35

Don't stress yourself. I was 27 when I got all of the above. It's the worst thing in the world I have had to deal with and it did & sometimes still does control my life. Skipped heart beats is what's medically known as ectopic heart beat. Everybody gets them and is compleatly normal. I used to get them so bad I would drop down to one knee and couldn't catch a breath. It's like a flutter in your chest. People like us pick up on it more though because we are so conscious about any pain twitch or skipped heart beat. At one time I was looking for it and would forget what I had been doing at work that day because my head was so focused on looking for something that was not there. Blood tests are normal so that's a big one. That eliminates things like angina,heart attack and a lot other serious things. ECG also eliminates a lot. This kind of panic/anxiety or whatever you want to call it is my bread and butter. I've been in hospital so much (15 times in one year) with this so please if any questions il be glad to help.
P.S don't mean this bad but its nice to know that someone else is going through this.

Keep the head up lad


17-03-13, 15:59
Thanks Thomo,

It's a horrible thing to have to go through, but reassuring that I'm not the only one.

Just have to wait to get my test appointments through, and hopefully if those are clear, I can move on.

Hope everyone is having a positive day.

Chris x

19-03-13, 09:14
Chris I am the same, although Ive already had the tests.

I had an echo which showed all normal function but the left ventricle is at the very "upper limits of normal" Which really has scared me, but the doctors dont care at all about that.....

Recently I had a 24 hr holter monitor. It showed sinus tachycardia (fast heart rate) and 5000 ectopic beats. I went cold when I read that. Also it showed a huge increase in them while I was asleep (or meant to be asleep). This made me scared, as I do keep waking up gasping for breath and hr rate of 110+.
Ive seen 3 drs about this (hospital and a gp), and even the cardiologist report says they dont treat ventricular ectopics and if the echo had ruled out structural deformities then that was that. No treatment necessary as yet.

Well, Im freaked out. I keep thinking my pulse with slip into a fatal heart rhythm (bloody google has told me it might) and that I wont know this and will just die.
My hr this week has been around 130+ on minimal exertion (im a 29 yr old fit woman). I cant sleep, and feel like Im going to pass out a lot of the time.

The drs think thats more to do with my anxiety making me dizzy (im not so sure). Theyve booked me a tilt table test and a 48hr monitor next, but arent overly worried.

I read somewhere that Dr Hilary (from GMTV) did a holter monitor and he had 7000 ectopics in 24hrs. I keep trying to tell myself that if he can have that and not worry that much then they cant be too dangerous (even though i get chest pain and dizzy etc.... )

For now Im trying to focus on my extreme anxiety.... and hope to God the drs know what theyre talking about. Sometimes I worry that Im written off as im young (because they keep telling me so!)


19-03-13, 09:38
Chris, I've been dealing with the same symptoms for the last 14 months. Only my doctor isn't so willing to do tests. I asked for an ECHO and a 24-hr ECG which my GP organized and they came back normal, but that's been nearly a year now and I feel worse than ever. I wish I could have the rounds of tests that you're getting!

Just want you to know you're not alone. Hope everything comes back normal and you can get on with your life without worry!