View Full Version : Mood changing from feeling yesterday like self harming to feeling great today :-)

12-03-13, 18:45
Past few days I have felt soo low and wanting to self harm but woke today feeling so good and positive and like I can achieve anything, I even went to the gym and I'm thinking tomorrow about trying a full day at work. It's weird how things can change so quick it feels strange. Anyone elses moods change fast.

12-03-13, 20:17
Yeah Hayley, I'm like that. Sometimes I have a few good or better days and then I start thinking why am I depressed at all, I'm fine. But then something happens & I sink down again. I do believe that if you keep working at it, it's possible to gradually get better each day and the length of time you feel better also increases so that the less good days gradually fade away. I do speak from experience having recovered from depression before.