View Full Version : "Stop thinking about yourself" "Youre spoiling it for everybody else" etc etc

12-03-13, 19:03
I need to vent here for a moment.I would like to say i have had enough of those who criticise people who deal with anxiety and depression on a day to day basis :frown:

Making us feel guilty for what we go through,:WTF:It really angers me.Even more so when they are family members :(

Unless you have gone through what we have,then keep it shut....

I would like to give a big :bighug1 to all my fellow sufferers out there.In case you needed one .Much love to each and every one of you.God Bless

12-03-13, 19:39
:bighug1: hugs right back, lovely!:flowers:

12-03-13, 20:13
I need to vent here for a moment.I would like to say i have had enough of those who criticise people who deal with anxiety and depression on a day to day basis :frown:

Making us feel guilty for what we go through,:WTF:It really angers me.Even more so when they are family members :(

Unless you have gone through what we have,then keep it shut....

I would like to give a big :bighug1 to all my fellow sufferers out there.In case you needed one .Much love to each and every one of you.God Bless

Hi Sarah - COULD not have said it better myself! A real gripe of mine mocking/patronising or just being damn right awkward towards a panic/anxiety sufferer! ESPECIALLY when it's supposed friends or family! Give them the:buttkick:. I won't tolerate this sort of behaviour from family anymore, I've already suffered panic attacks now for 2 years and I still get the:wall::wall: AND now will very gladly ignore them, no calls, no meetings etc until they keep their opinions to themselves

12-03-13, 20:57
I hear the words" pull yourself togther and snap out of it" a lot.

12-03-13, 21:01
I hate when they say 'you're so over dramatic'. It's like, do you even know me.

12-03-13, 22:16
The bane of my life!

My dad once said to me that he will never understand me, not even try. It's hurtful when it comes from the man who brought me into this world and vowed to protect me when I was a baby. Because I didn't have a traumatic home he can't understand why I have anxiety. My friends have little to no understanding in anxiety or depression apart from when they use the term off the cuff, like 'I feel so depressed' when they are nowhere near depressed.

I have heard every cliché comment in the book, 'Pull yourself together', 'It's in your head', 'It's in the past' and the list goes on. I still go red in the face when I hear those comments but I just keep the frustration to myself... and release it with an hour long rant with my fiancé (bless him).

13-03-13, 00:09
the medical proffession is another.The tone they use towards you like your wasting their time.I want them to swap places for one day,and make them go through the hell we do.Same goes for "family" and "friends".You wake up scared every morning,feel sick inside all day depressed anxious and alone.:mad::mad:.Thank You to you all for sharing your thoughts on this :hugs:

13-03-13, 00:26
sarahlou I totally agree with you :)

Sending hugs back to you too :hugs: :hugs:

13-03-13, 00:26
the medical proffession is another.The tone they use towards you like your wasting their time.

My Dr is pretty good about my anx and panic and has never spoken to me like I am wasting his time, maybe not fair to tar them all with the same brush really.

I guess it is like anything in life really there is always going to be someone who doesn't quite understand things and yes it is annoying when people speeak to you in a condesending manner

Beleive me not all drs are like that and if yours is maybe look into finding another dr that understands you more?

13-03-13, 06:22
Some people just don't function on an emotional level, it's not their fault, it is just the way they are. My mum is like that and it is not a criticism, she is superficial without knowing it. Most people who have anxiety are deep thinkers.......... It is difficult for us to relate to people who are not.
I know where you are coming from and sending you a big hug.:bighug1:

13-03-13, 07:33
well said , it feels as though im being fobbed off from 1 doctor to another ,the pyschiatrist keeps on cancelling appointments , a doctor who says she ring me on Monday , still hasnt and when i feel paranoia even at its worst , im told its all in my head !! grrrrr !!! course it is , thats where my mind is duhhhh !! xx sorry/rant xx

13-03-13, 07:42
I am fortunate in having several friends and a partner who understand and are sympathetic towards my depression and I feel certain Sarahlou that if I added you to my list of friends you would be ultra sympathetic and kind since clearly you would know only too well how difficult it is.
My father always states that "depression is a state of mind" and to some degree he is right but he delivers his statement in a cold and emotionless way that just cuts me dead every time. Over the years he's failed to support my mothers emotional needs. Even though he has always looked after her practical needs I can see that she has become isolated and at times depressed although when I have tried to ask if she is ok, she has always insisted she is but I can sense otherwise.
Worse is that being depressed and having listened to attitudes like his, you can't help internalising these messages and then become your own critic.
It's sad that so many of us can't shake off that feeling and shut down these "critical voices of old". But it's so difficult.
Also that in the present while we are trying to deal with a disease, just like people who have physical condition that others can see, there are those that you talk about Sarahlou who just cannot relate to the difficulties we encounter & fight against every day. I believe many of them deny depression exists as they are fearful of it themselves but to admit that would mean they too are at risk of suffering from it & of course it would become a reality.
So to them all I say ....PULL YOUR BL:unsure::unsure:DY SOCKS UP AND GR:unsure:W SOME BALL$.

13-03-13, 09:10
My biggest annoyance is with people who think you should be able to overcome panic disorder with an act of willpower. No matter how many times you explain that panic is an unconscious response and forcing yourself through full on panics only makes things worse they still seem to think that you just need to apply willpower :( If you had been carrying a physical injury around for 25 odd years you would be having all sorts of physiotherapy and corrective surgery and the like to sort it out but when it's your brain that's the problem then it's obviously just a simple case of use some willpower :mad: