View Full Version : old panicker new member

12-09-06, 10:08
hey everyone i am 34 male and really sick of this anxiety.I get the feeling My wife thinks i am a nutter and I feel guilty around my kids when i have an attack and lie down.This sucks my freinds think i am loony, always at the docs.Seems like there is always something wrong with me, four years ago i was normal now i feel like not even half a man or husband or father.this really sucks i am getting fed up with it.I drink way to much according to docs but it makes me feel normal again(at the time).

12-09-06, 10:13
youre not loony or going mad, you just have anxiety. i know how you feel, it is very frustrating. but the drink wont help cos its a depressant, it will only make the problem worse, so try to stop or at least cut down. because of how we feel we think we know what other people think, but im sure your family and friends dont think youre mad. they just dont understand it. nobody who hasnt had a panic attack can understand just how dreadful it is. but you will get better in time.
all the best

Mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

12-09-06, 11:07
Hello,you are normal,and not going mad.You will find this forum very helpful,and will get great advice here.It is frustrating,anxiety has so many symptoms.your family love you for who you are.
I agree with Mandy,drinking does not help,it makes things worse.
It is hard for family and friends to undrestand,thats why this forum is so good,we all understand you.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

12-09-06, 11:20
my wife gets angry when I cant go to work, but the thought of a panic attack in front of heaps of fellow construction workers when you feel like you are dying is a pretty good exuse for a day off.(not to mention being a safety hazard on site)

12-09-06, 11:25
G'day Miff
The grog is actually a stimulant and will make you feel good at the time but the withdrawal is only making you worse.
Are you on any meds?

Don't believe everything you think.

daisy chain
12-09-06, 11:33
:Das a mother i have the same problem i am 36 and have been this way since my early teens.even though i feel very guilty when i have spells(every week) i do try not to put myself down my family comes to a stand still when im out of action but i always say to my self they are more than capable of looking after them selves its normanly the stress that put me ther in the first place so i have to rest and they have no choice but to get on with it.my husband is supportive or he just except the way i cope with lifes demands (rest and chill out until it past) i dnt like anxiety but its part of my life you just learn to cope daisy take care x

anita jane

12-09-06, 11:38
Hi Miff and welcome to the site, drinking too much? Don’t go down that road mate I found alcohol made me feel normal and helped me do things I would never normally do. In the end I relied on drink just to live. Had to drink to go outside, scared to go to bed because I thought I had things wrong with me so drink always before bed. It got fully out of hand even though I wouldn’t admit it was a problem. I ended up drinking heavy and daily for about 40 years, and then stopped two years ago. I stopped fully for 2 years and god it was very hard, I am having a drink again now but only going to my local for a couple twice a week. But I think the long term off the drink fully broke the habit or addiction, as before this I found it impossible to cut down the drink. I think try and cope with your problem without any drink as drink is just like filling your body with meds which are also addictive after a while, then while you are dry without alcohol or meds your anxiety seems 100% worst... I have suffered anxiety, phobias and health anxiety now for about 40 years and after a few months of no drink I really did notice how much better I was feeling without drink. Hope you get to feel a bit better soon and try positive thinking and telling yourself you are healthy and well this helps a lot too. Take care. Vernon

12-09-06, 12:36
Hi miff,

welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-09-06, 08:21
yeah phill nexium and xanax

13-09-06, 08:33
Hi Miff and Welcome,

The way you feel is par for the course and is due to a cocktail of hormones in your bloodstream. Doesn't make you a looney, but does make your mates prats. Get the free ebook from the site below and it should help you to understand what's happening. If you can understand it at least you will see that blaming yourself is pointless and if you can get your wife to read it perhaps she will understand too that this could happen to anyone, even her.

Best wishes,


This helped me (so I don't go on about it!):

13-09-06, 10:39
Gday Craig
Believe me Xaxax and grog are not a good combo. Caused my brother all sorts of probs. The sooner you stop drinking the better you'll feel

Don't believe everything you think.