View Full Version : Implanon contraceptive implant..

12-09-06, 10:15
One for the ladies really, or the guys if you have experience with women that have had them, but, Implanon contraceptive implants, the rods that go in the upper arm.
Im having them fitted soon & wondered if anyone has had any side effects good or bad with them. If i google for it, there are some bizarre stories of weird side effects. Dont want the weight gain, breast tenderness & even nausea that ive read about. But need to sort some kind of contraception out.
Anyone got any experience?
c x

Pete to win Big Brother 7

12-09-06, 11:55
hi i haven,t got it myself but a friend of mine has and she,s been fine!i suppose it,s like any form of contraception you just have to try it to see how it works for you every ones bodies are different!hope this helps take care rachel x

12-09-06, 18:13
Hey Miss
I havent had the rod thingy as me gp adviced against me having it- dont know why!! but im on the depo injection which is real good- been on it for 4 yrs and no babies, no periods and no weight gain- its fab!!! Good thing with the rod thingy though is it can b removed anytime so if ur not gettin on with it u can have it out and try something else!!!

13-09-06, 09:36
Yes thats true. Ive had the injection before and loved it because the periods stopped, but i definately put weight on & dont want that again. I also had horrendous mood swings & was awful to live with. Kids dad went through hell bless him.
Im gonna give the rods a go i think, if they dont work out i shall get the coil again i think. Didnt have any probs with that. Im just trying to avoid the embarassing side of having that fitted i think.
Thanks folks.
c x

Pete to win Big Brother 7