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View Full Version : Scared as hell!!! Long post but please help :(

12-03-13, 23:57
Hope you guys can help, im waiting on my appountment with a cardiologist on wednesday and im starting to lose the plot badly :-(

Background: Had a mega panic attack about 8 months ago and after a month was on propranalol. Decided the side effects of propranalol were worse than my actuall symptoms so stopped taking it. Got better and better under will power and the attacks have become much less frequent and iv gotten on with mostly normall life.

The last couple of weeks have been the worst for symptoms :( been totally de-realised, cant think straight, breathlessness, insomnia, tinnitus, but worst of all chest pains in the style of heart attack ie; radiating pain :( also, the skin under my finger nails has got white bands across them...

Someone please convince me im not dying!!! :-(

14-03-13, 06:30
I always got very worked up the days coming up to my appointments. Think I'd convince myself Id die before the specialist saw me or something crazy like that. Just saw your post now so I take it you have been to the cardiologist today, how did it go?
I'm sure your symptoms have been worse the last couple of weeks as you would have been anxios about the appointment which is perfectly normal. I can't see how any of those symptoms you named out would mean you are dying so don't think that at all. Common symptoms with stress and anxiety.
The mind is very powerful.
I've been having alot of palpitations the last few months but a bad headache the last few days has been worrying me alot and I've noticed that I haven't had any palpitations as my mind was preoccupied with my brain instead of my heart.
Take care