View Full Version : Chances of having a brain aneurysm

13-03-13, 03:27
Hi guys

I've had a right-sided headache for about 1.5 years now. I had a CAT scan last May and got the all clear. Pain continued so went to a neurologist and insisted on having an MRI and again got the all clear. My MRI was in late December and since January I have had very minimal pain and only 2 pains that I would consider to be migraines. Then last Monday morning I woke with a sore neck and felt a bit off so put it down to a flu coming. This continued until last Friday then was feeling ok Saturday. I didn't actually get a flu just had neck pain and and some tirdness and just wasnt feeling the best. Then Saturday night I noticed I was very tired then Sunday got a bad migraine so went to lie down, was bad all that night and all yesterday. Went to the doc yesterday and he pretty much dismissed me saying it is all anxiety and tension and there is no need for further investigations as I have had an MRI and CAT scan. That is fair enough but I really never experienced such constant severe pain in my head and neck. It dies down for abt an hour yesterday afternoon then back again all day and night and woke this morning feeling okish. pottered around downstairs for abt half an hour then stupidly decided to have a slice of cheescake for breakfast and the headahe came back bigtime an hour later and it was so intense all day and finally it has calmed down the past few hours but is till lingering so I don't know is it gone for good. I was taking 2 paracetamol and 1 anti inflammatory for the pain, took the edge of just but have never been in so much pain.
The neurologist told me In January that I have chronic daily headaches/migraines. They are always in the same location just above ear and fall back towards bottom of head, all just right side. Usual migraine lasts abt 2 hours and i get really nauseated and diarhea. So hadn't had a proper bad migraine since January then this came on me so basically I'm worried. Because it has started to die down a bit the past few hours I'm a bit more relaxed but I still don't know what the hell is causing this pain. Even though I don't have a full blown migriane daily or weekly lately I always have a small lingering pain in that area above ear then when I get the full blown migraine the pain just extends down further.

I would like some reassurance or advice f anyone has any please.

My biggest worry is that I either have had a brain aneurysm or am experiencing a leaking aneurysm and could die soon.
I should also say that my menstrual cycle is a bit out of whack lately and I got my period this morning and I know people can get menstrual migraines so perhaps that is the reason behind the bad migraine this time. I just can't see how pain that bad could not be really serious though. Also my period 2 months ago was so bad it made me vomit and I don't ever vomit from anything.
Think thats covered everything.

Thanks for reading and what ever replied ye might give would be really appreciated. Find it hard to sleep with worry

13-03-13, 09:05
Hello Polly81

I suffer from very bad headaches and mine are located around my left eye and temple and reach round to the back of my head (and also tenderness like sunburn).

You have had all the upto date tests and they have comeback fine so that is a good thing.

My headaches can last anything from a hour to a day or more and it is a case of trying new things to help. I found something was changing my pillow... what my pillow you may say. Well yes my headaches could have been caused by tension in the neck.
My new pillow has cut down my headaches to a stage now that I can go days with out one.

Please read this http://kathrynmerrow.blogspot.co.uk/2007/08/does-your-pillow-cause-headaches.html

I have just found it on the internet for you and it my be of help.. It explains things better than me.

14-03-13, 05:33
Hi Xtremx
Thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear that you suffer from bad headaches too, not nice at all and can be scary at times.
Yes, having those tests are a bit of a relief for me, I just get carried away with my thoughts and think the worst. If its not my heart stopping all of a sudden its my brain exploding.
Thank you for the link above, I will definitely try and get a proper pillow, it makes alot of sense. I do spend a lot of time time on the laptop lying in bed so that can't be good for my neck either. I have noticed that when I have neck pain it eases when I walk around so my posture might be a problem .
Glad you have found something to lesson the frequency of your headaches, hopefully one day they will disappear for good.

I'll let you know how I get on with the pillow


18-03-13, 18:34
So my headache had died down for now but was dizzy alot of today and still feel weird, think its because I have spent the last 2 weeks in bed nearly all the time. I haven't had palpitations in a while, think because I've been too occupied with my head lately then last night, out of the blue my heart just started racing really fast and hard for a bout 10 seconds. Really freaked me out and nearly had a panic attack. I have an appointment with an osteopath on Wednesday and a Chiropractor tomorrow. Not sure which to go to and am considering keeping both appointments and see what they say about my head and neck. I just feel sick in general, sick of this so much. Don't think this anxiety or whatever it is will ever leave me

18-03-13, 18:49
Sorry you are being so stressed recently, I think you should definitely go down the osteopath/chiropractor even physiotherapist route. They could all offer you some relief.

Sounds to me you are probably just dwelling on your symptoms too much though. If you have spent the last 2weeks in bed it will cause all manner of physical symptoms, our muscles and nerves begin to stagnate, human bodies and minds do not function well at all when inactive, we have evolved to be constantly moving and on the go, atrophy sets in if we lie around too much and us nervous types will suffer tenfold from this. Do a little search on line into studies that have been done on groups of healthy adults (they love paying students to do this) who are told to do nothing for weeks. Their blood pressure, heart rate, muscle strength etc are all documented and recorded at intervals. The results do not make for inspiring reading, racing hearts, headaches, pain, anxiety, weakness and fatigue. Being in bed for two weeks (whether you are I'll or not) will have major ramifications for how you feel, I think this will not be helping you at all.

The scans you have had are second to none, if you were having a brain aneurysm you wouldn't be here a week late still pondering the same question.

Are you having any therapy to help your neuroses? Sounds like you would be a great candidate for CBT?

18-03-13, 19:28
Hi Pinktel,

Sometimes you read a post and feel great after it, thats what you've made me feel so thank you. I feel more relaxed and at ease now, you made alot of sense what you said.
I am currently waiting on an apppointment for counselling and have asked specifically for CBT so fingers crossed I won't be waiting long.

20-03-13, 01:52
Does it not make more sense that I have MS. Constant headache, nauseated all the time lately and I've noticed a weird pulling/tightening sensation in my calves the past few weeks on and off. My sister has MS so I think it makes sense. I know I had a Brain MRI but its hard to diagnose MS and when symptoms of MS can be similar to anxiety, seems more likely that its MS when its in my family.
Are there people in here who have been diagnosed with something when they were told previously that it was anxiety?