View Full Version : Back to reality!!

12-09-06, 10:16
Hi everyone

I have just had the most wonderful 2 weeks.

My husband, who has a very stressful job in the City and works ridiculous hours, took a fortnight off and we went on holiday for 10 days with our 2 small children. It was the most relaxing time I have had in years. We all spent really quality time together and it also strengthened the relationship with my husband. We even decided to have another baby.

My son went back to nursery yesterday, my little girl starts school for the first time today and my husband goes back to work tomorrow. I really don't want this time to end and am really anxious about how I will feel. The palpitations have already started and I have noticed that I am really tense again - woke up this morning with a really stiff neck. Also, this time of year is always the worst for me. When the nights begin to draw in, I always feel so much worse and begin to obsess about my health again. I am dreading it!!

Jo xx

12-09-06, 10:27

I feel exactly the same.
I hate dark nights and short days.
Constantly wish for spring. But dont want to wish my life away.

Good luck with the baby making!

Hay x

12-09-06, 11:45
I feel exactly the same. Every day I try waking up a little earlier so that I can see the sun a little longer. As soon as the sun goes down my anxiety goes sky high :( That's why I have a huge collection of dvds..lol xxx

"Our thinking creates problems that the same type of thinking will not solve" Albert Einstein

12-09-06, 15:19
Phew I thought I was the only one who felt this way about the nights drawing in

'Never be afraid to try- remember, amateurs buit the Ark...professionals built the Titanic'