View Full Version : Nose and front teeth numbness

13-03-13, 10:07
Hi All, I felt like I have been making progress but today I am completely stressed out....I have a sometimes twitching nose with a cold/ numb feeling...This has now moved down to my upper front front 2 teeth...I am really thinking the worst here. Has anybody else had these symptoms due to anxiety ?

13-03-13, 10:23

Its not just me then I get this and it is a weird feeling...I get numbness but it is mainly on the left side of my nose and then passes onto my teeth.

I have not asked my doctor about this as I have had this feeling for months and it on and off so it has to be anxiety related and to do with breathing incorrectly.

So I would say anxiety!

But look whos talking if you think it is a major concern see your doctor.

13-03-13, 10:29
I was actually referred to see an ENT which I did on Monday, I have had a CT scan and go back for results on Monday....Obviously I have HA so the fact he sent me so promptly for a scan has got my head in overdrive !! I know Monday isn't to long to wait to find out, but I just want to know now !! Its the numbness in the upper front 2 teeth that has really got me worried....
Sorry , but it is nice to know someone is having similar symptoms.

13-03-13, 10:44
Sorry , but it is nice to know someone is having similar symptoms.

I total understand that statement.. Lucky everyone on here is not alone

Right lets brain storm on this.
Do you get regular sinus problems like sinusitis or anything else ?
Do you grind your teeth or suffer from tmj ?

I myself had a Head Mri done just over 14months ago and that showed nothing to worry about. My mri was done due to other problems but it was good to know it was all clear

13-03-13, 10:53
Yes I have been suffering with my sinuses for a while now (2 years), that's why I got the referral. I have been given tablets for reflux but I am still constantly having to clear my throat. The grinding of teeth I really don't know about, I do get jaw ache and sometimes feel that I and clamping my teeth together rather firmly particular when I am getting stressed out. Never been treated for TMJ but maybe I do suffer from it ?

Hopefully my scan will come back all clear and I can try and move on, as I don't currently have any other worries and this sinus one has really got me over a barrel

13-03-13, 11:14
Well we both share a lot in common and I think we may both have our answer sinuses problams (I have for nearly 10 years) they can spread as you know to most areas of the face (as when you look at the sinus map it looks like a butterfly on the face).

I also have what you have got by the sound of it something called post nasal drip.
And the clamping of your teeth together firmly could be causing the numbnes we both feel in the top two teeth.

So to me it all sound like it could be a mix of sinus problems and anxiety causing teeth clamping and in the end grinding of the teeth.

A quick way to check if you do grind your teeth and possible anxiety related problam with clamping of the teeth is to look in the mirror at you tongue if it scalloped around the edges ie: you can see little endents like teeth makes that could point to teeth clamping ant night in your sleep.

I think we have both put our minds a rest on this one and hopefully anyone else that reads this thread.

Good post mate

13-03-13, 12:25
I have had a look and i do indeed have scalloped edges on my tongue. I also have a line on the inside of both cheeks that is like a bite mark.
God i feel like i am falling apart, the thing is on the 2nd of January this year everything was fine or at least i thought so....You cant get every illness possible in 3 months

13-03-13, 13:54
Right scottie32

I told you to do something just to prove you are suffering from anxiety and that is it.

How would I know about you having a scalloped tongue I knew that because I'm the same as you and lots of others are mate.

If you have any questions fire away and I will try to be of help.