View Full Version : Proof that we can get better

13-03-13, 10:54
its a funny old world hun it doesnt take a lot to unsettle us anxiety/depression suffer's.
i have been to my gp this morning i see them every week for a sort of progress report, it was a bonus that my normal gp was of a sick and the covering gp was my fav we have a lot in common and have played cricket against each other in the past .
i remember last year when he was of for 3 months and no one new why.
i had an appoitment with him on the day of his return he looked and felt more anxious than i did !!! it just goes to show it can happen to the best of us , he said venlfaxine is not the first drug they turn to for depression anxiety but none the less could well work for me. he had a good theory on the drugs not getting us to 100% but getting us well enough to get back into social situations to rebuild that confidence many of us have lost.
he's been there the crossing of the street to avoid someone, no getting on public transport , no socialising,
he still gets anxiuos to this day about cetain things but he is in a much better place , come to think about it i think the session was more about him than me http://www.brighteyecounselling.co.uk/alcoholic-forum/images/smilies/smiley-clapping.gifhttp://www.brighteyecounselling.co.uk/alcoholic-forum/images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
but hearing that from a gp and to see him there gives you belief that you can get better and will.
he also told me exactly where i'd been going wrong and i new this myself answer looking to far ahead take each step as it comes when he first went back to work he was bricking it and he said so will i be but it will get better

13-03-13, 10:59
Good stuff Maximus, anything that makes us feel better about ourselves is great.

13-03-13, 11:07
Great news Max, just as I told you!!

You have come a long way in a short space of time and for that you should be very proud of yourself.

Kitti :) xx

13-03-13, 18:27
Excellent news Max, so they are human after all.lol

You will know when it is the right time to return to work, for now just enjoy your new found self confidence, if anyone deserves a break it is you.:yahoo: