View Full Version : How long were you signed off work?

13-03-13, 11:47
My GP has signed me off for another week so in total it will be 4 weeks and 3days off work. I am hopeing to return to work after this for mornings only for 2 weeks. Since yesterday I have felt so much better, although I am still getting nightmares and feel as if I am not sleeping, my minds seems clearer.

I acknowledge this is very early days but I pray I am coming out of it. I am very anxious about returning to work and being able to assert myself with doctors and have the emotional capactiy to care for patients. I guess this is all very normal. My biggest fear is going back to work and feeling worse or not al all prepared. But how does one know? Just because I feel better now in a work environment I may not be ready.


13-03-13, 11:52
For my sins, I am a union rep and so have to help support people who are off sick, or in the process of returning. As a general thing, being at work gives people other things to think about and can actually be much more beneficial than being at home, where what often happens is you worry about your anxiety and/or depression.

It sounds as though you work in the NHS so you should have a good union structure you can call on, whether it's the RCN or Unison. If you have a union rep, this is a good time to engage them so that you can be properly supported in your return to work.

Hope this is helpful.

13-03-13, 11:58
Hi Blueangel

Having time away from work has enabled me to come under my stress threshold. It took over 3.5 weeks for this to happen. I am normally a very head down and just get on with it kind of person. I am the one people/colleages/friends turn to for support and advice. I was the last person ever to think I would go through this. Thank you for your response you sound like a very supportive Union Rep.

I feel this experience will be the best thing thats ever happened to me its just now a case of becoming stronger and confident.

13-03-13, 22:17
I was the last person ever to think I would go through this.

Me too! I was off work for 6 weeks altogether, by far the longest amount of time I have ever spent away from a business. I went back a week after I was expected - in the days running up to "D-Day" I started to experience severe panic again, so my GP signed me off for another week and towards the end of that week I started to feel a lot better. I can't really explain how I knew it was time, but somehow I did. My advice to you would be to make sure you have at least 4 or 5 days of consistently feeling better before you return.

For me it didn't work out so well and I ended up leaving the business, but there were many reasons for that, and I don't think it was a case of going back too soon.

14-03-13, 00:55
I was signed off for about 7 or 8 weeks a couple of years ago. I went back on phased return and it was rough. I never admitted fully to most of my colleagues that there was an anxiety element to my absence. My Doctor signed me off with the symptoms I was experiencing rather than the word "anxiety" after I told her that there were a number of very catty people at work who I didn't want to share this with.

My manager and her manager knew the truth though.

It was tough going back but I tried to take each day separately. After phased return I went part time in the same job and am still in that job. As time has gone by its gradually got easier. Now I am even considering looking for a new job!

14-03-13, 10:06
6 months! Although I wasn't technically signed off. I was unemployed at the time and decided not to get another job as I was primary carer for both my mum (stroke) and boyf (bipolar) in addition to my own anxiety breakdown. Because of the way the system works I was not elible for either ESA or carers allowance so it was a very difficult time. But at least my problems were kept private. I feel really sorry for people who have to face the office staff after time off for mental health problems. I'm not sure I could do it.

14-03-13, 10:46

I was signed off for almost 5 months 3 years ago...I did change meds during that time and must say I had an horrendous time...I also did try to go back on a couple of occasions in the early stages but just ended up coming home again!! I totally crashed and it took time to bring me back up again!!

When I did return I went back on a phased back return and this really helped. I think when you feel ready you do need that element of "push" to get you back and then you just build confidence from that!!

We are all different so you probably wont need as long as that.

Hope you feel better soon.


14-03-13, 11:42
One thing that I would add about the phased return is that your manager really needs to buy into it and understand the reason for it. Mine was completely unsupportive in that sense - the whole workload came back my way on Day 1 and trying to do it all in only 4 hours added to my anxiety rather than helping it. I was lucky in that I had an excellent HR manager on my side though.

16-03-13, 23:41
Thanks everyone for your advice. When I mentioned a phased return to work my boss went a bit quiet but I am not the only one in our team to go through this. However I am looking after me and need to go slow so I do not overwhelm myself.

Thank you all x