View Full Version : Heart had pumping, racing, exercise anxiety. HELP X

13-03-13, 14:09
Need answers If posdible. I have really bad heart anxiety. One day 2 years ago i was playing 5a side football and i started to feel dizzy so had to lay on the grass. My heart was racing like I've never had it before and was pumping so hard. Btw i wasn't anxious or even knew what anxiety was back then. So i did the right thing. Went to doctor and he straight away referred me to a cardiologist. I had, ecg, blood work, echocsrdiogram, stress test and 24 hour holter. Everything fine :/ and no explanation as to why this happened. Ever since that happend I haven't played football or any sport. Apart from odd kick about but find myself constantly checking pulse. Still very worried i have huge problem and it's been missef. I miss football so much and it's ruining my life. I just want answers . I know for a fact that i wasn't anxious that night and was never worried about my heart before that happend. Also i don't smoke or drink coffee or red bull. ....Help pleaseeeeeeee x

01-04-13, 14:05
Hi Rossi, I know exactly what you are through. Ive had anxiety about my heart for 10 months now. Out of character I smoked a legal high and had an immediate panic attack which I believed to be a heart attack. It was that full on. I've had all the tests and the cardiologist says my heart is perfect and to stop worrying.

I was an avid gym goer, going 6 times a week before all this. Up until last week you could count the number of times I've been gym in the past 10 months on one hand. I was so afraid of doing anything, even walking the dogs on my own, that would make my heart speed up. I don't know what changed but last week I said to myself enough was enough. I love going to the gym and was missing out because of anxiety. So I've been back 5 times in the past week. I'm really enjoying it and whilst at the gym itself I'm fine. It's afterwards where I feel a bit shaky of have a rush of panic. Sometimes an hour or so later. But I'm not letting it beat me this time. I'm going to keep going.

I used to play basketball as well so have been going to my local park and messing around for a bit of cardio. Today I had a few chest twinges about 30mins in. Probably just a stitch but of course this wasn't the first thing that popped into my mind. I grabbed my stuff and decided to go. As I was walking out of the park again I thought to myself, no! I went back an ran end to end 20 times doing layups. I was shattered but was fine and had no chest pains. I then took the dogs for a hour long walk on my own before washing mine and my wife's cars.

This is a long way of saying you've been given the all clear, ease yourself back in gently and it does get easier and start to ramp it up when you feel ready.