View Full Version : Extreme dry mouth

13-03-13, 14:17
Hey everyone, I'm a 22 year old male, not on any medication.

lately I've been getting a very dry mouth. I keep drinking water but the feeling of dry mouth won't leave. I'm going to go to the er today and get some blood tests bu i was just wondering if anyone is going through the same thing?

My nose is stuffed, I think maybe do to allergies? or maybe my sinuses are also very dry. I'm very worried about the autoimmune disease Sjogrens syndrome, it causes your eyes and mouth and nose to dry up. The only thing is, I'm not in a risk factor for that disease because I'm a young male and it mostly happens to women from ages 40 - onwards.

Gahhh, i just want my mouth to not be dry :weep:

13-03-13, 22:31
Looks like I'm the only one with this... In the er now waiting for some blood results

13-03-13, 22:59
I have dry mouth but I have cfs .hope it goes ok

14-03-13, 03:20
Hey dude I'm 16 and get dry mouth all the time for some reason but I don't know why haha it drives me insane sometimes

15-03-13, 14:26
I'd just come on here to see if I had any replies to my post yesterday, clicked on this one thinking it was mine! I'd been getting excessive dry mouth and thirst yesterday, no idea why but seems we are not alone xx