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13-03-13, 16:18
Do I have to have a blood test via a GP referral or can I just call the GP surgery and ask to be booked in with the nurse/phleb?

Reason being is I would just like my full bloods done just to rule out anything what so ever and give me peace of mind that my breakdown is caused by nothing but my silly mental health and nothing is causing it.

It would put my mind at ease knowing that this is all in the mind and absolutely nothing physically is wrong with me.

I had heart palps not so long ago and as soon as I had an ECG and got the all clear, I never got palps ever again!

An FBC might really help with my recovery so it won't allow my mind to even begin to think anything else!

Thanks everyone! Hope you're all well and having a lovely peaceful day :)

Steven x

13-03-13, 16:29
I would ring up and see! They were quite happy to do mine.

13-03-13, 16:30
Hi Steven.

At my practice you have to see the GP first and she/he wrote on screen what bloods you want/need to be done and then you make an appointment with the nurse to have them done.

Maybe a telephone consultation with a doc ( don't know if they do these at your surgery) and just ask can you have a fbc done to put your mind at rest. See if you can get that doc that's been helping you .

Hope this helps

13-03-13, 16:55
Its sounds like it can be different depending on where you are in the country.

I am based in London and when I blood test is needed I go the GP who prints of a sheet of paper which has the details for which type of blood test you are having done and then you take this sheet into any local hospital that has a Pathology/Phlebotomy department, grab a numbered ticket as you walk in and then you just wait for your number to be called out.

Nurse takes your blood, head off home and wait for the GP to call you with the results in the next week or so.

Alternatively you can book in to have it done at some local doctors surgery's but the waiting list is ridiculous around here.

13-03-13, 18:09
I can't believe they haven't done this already, it was the first thing my GP wanted to do!

13-03-13, 18:13
Thanks guys.

I don't want to keep bothering my GP as I felt I've really really hassled her so much since being back in Cornwall.

Maybe if I just ask for a telephone appointment tomorrow then they might put me on to another GP.

It's always good to know. Apart from FBC, can anyone else recommend a good test I should have done? I'm more than happy to give them a pint of my blood and do what tests they want with it!!

13-03-13, 19:49
I'd ask for TSH (thyroid) and Glucose as well.

20-03-13, 17:38
Finally got an appointment for bloods. Monday 25th. So not only do I not like getting my bloods done normally, I now have the added fear of leaving the ruddy house and going to the doctors surgery... Oh Lord... Why did I ask for a blood test........ *Gulp!*

20-03-13, 17:46
At my surgery you have to see GP first and he/she will decide which bloods to do . Run of the mill ones seem to be full blood count, kidney function, liver function, thyroid function, U s and E s (never sure that they are) :flowers:

---------- Post added at 17:46 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

Sorry think U s and E s are the kidney function test.

20-03-13, 17:52
Yeah I got FBC,s U and E's (which is kidney as it's Urea and Electrolytes) LFT (liver Function Test) and Thyroid Function.

I used to do bloods myself when I was a nurse.

20-03-13, 19:11
Just been myself today!!
Not good week anxiety high,knock back again. I was feeling down and anxious wasn't many in just couple phew!! Thank God I thought still had to wait 15mins can't stand waiting anxiety build up.
Went in fine,bloods fine,out. Thank God!!!!

20-03-13, 20:09
Last time I went to the doctors surgery with my dad, I ended up having to hold his hand as I was crying. The seating arrangement at my doctors surgery are all facing in on each other so it was rather embarrassing. Must of looked weird seeing a 28 year old holding hands with a 70 year old.

And that was just to see and talk to a doctor. So to have my bloods done I think the diazapam is going to come into play.

Can I take diazapam before a blood test??

20-03-13, 20:34
Yes Diazepam won't effect any blood results :)

20-03-13, 20:46
Oh thankyou Tufty (Stranger :p )

28-03-13, 14:39
Results back - All clear with everything. There we go.

28-03-13, 15:31
Pleased to hear they are all clear :)

28-03-13, 16:17
You can put your mind at rest now. X

28-03-13, 17:47
I was hoping they would find something so that there was a quick physical fix to it! 'Oh Steven it seems you're lacking in this so take these!'.

I knew nothing would be the problem though.

If only I could get my neurotransmitter chemicals tested now because I KNOW that they're the problem!