View Full Version : please help - panicking like crazy

13-03-13, 16:35
i am gripped by panic over my future job prospects - I have been off work for 3 years now with anxiety and depression and i have to give up this type of work, software development, because of how it is making me ill, can anyone offer me any support on what i might do when i recover?

13-03-13, 16:45
I think the important at the moment is to try not to think about work and focus on getting yourself well. When you are feeling better and less anxious then you can start to think about work again. I have just had to leave work because of my anxiety and I am going to concentrate on getting myself well and then think about what to do next :hugs:

13-03-13, 18:26
You are so right annie thankyou

13-03-13, 18:46
I totally agree with Annie, you need to concentrate on getting yourself better before you start to think about going back to work. One day at a time. Small steps.

13-03-13, 19:20
Thankyou so much for telling me sense

13-03-13, 22:17
Agree with Annie and BobbyDog. My boyfriend has bipolar and has struggled work-wise for over ten years. He's now taking the time off he needs to recover (which will be at least a year, probably more) and then he'll re-evaluate things.

14-03-13, 16:27
thank you lissa, i have been off work for 3 years because i can't cope emotionally but i won't be going back until i have fully recovered

14-03-13, 16:56
Hi Stephen are you ok ? sorry I have been awol with this poxy diabetes ! you should have pm me you were feeling bad ! Always got time for you sorry eyesights been so blurry i am squinting like a granny lol.I thought you were feeling better about the work pressure being off. so sorry I haven't been in touch. All of the above are right it's time for you not work babe. Stop being so hard on yourself Han x x