View Full Version : Diary?

13-03-13, 17:24
I was just wondering does anyone keep a diary and does it help? I know I kept one when I was doing CBT years ago but haven't taken it up again yet.

Do people find it useful?

13-03-13, 18:54

I have a notebook that I write in whenever I feel really stressed/anxious or have a new "symptom" that I'm worrying about. I call it my "magic notebook" because it not only helps me feel better right away, but I swear that within a week I feel better about the situation/symptom as a whole.

Plus, I can go back in later and read about what was worrying me in the past which gives me great perspective.

13-03-13, 20:08
I've been keeping a diary since 2007. I find my thoughts catch up on me at night time when I want to go to sleep, and it can help to write it all out.

I don't write in it daily, sometimes I go over a month without writing in it at all, but I try to update it regularly.

I find it useful to go through it and see how things were in the past, see what I've come through and how things are improving. I also take it whenever I go away, so it's just nice to look back at my memories of things like that.

14-03-13, 11:15
thanks guys, I will start one. I started CBT yesterday so will need to write things down more for that anyway.


14-03-13, 12:13
I was just wondering does anyone keep a diary and does it help? I know I kept one when I was doing CBT years ago but haven't taken it up again yet.

Do people find it useful?

Hi I brought a note book and ever since the start of my big panic attack on new years day (few days leading up to then).every morning I enter my sleep for the night before I always wake 3~4 Times a night.I also write all my feelings and information that I think might help at a later date.I know you may think it's a bit over the top but I even write down when I go to sorry (poo).I only make a note of that because when I first started having the panics I could not remember when I last went and that was starting me to panic.in the back of the book I keep a record of all the medication that I'm on and when I take them.in the front cover I have got my gps name, address,telephone number.my name,address,telephone number.medical help line numbers.highlight when I start/finished medication.on the front outside cover I have attached a piece of paper with the meds and time.I have also got a copy that I keep with me whenever I go out.in case of emergency I know in my head that other people are aware of my medication.I know you may think that all this is over the top but when I went to butlins a month ago with my 13year old granddaughter on my own I had a sleep apnea episode at 4.15am,I had to call the medical team out and because that was causing me to panic and could not get my breath to talk to them to give details I just handed them THE BOOK and they found all the details that they needed to fill in the forms and knew what to give me in the way of treatment.SO YES I DO KEEP A DIARY.Sorry it's been a longggg post but you did ask.lol

14-03-13, 16:53
thanks very much, that is helpful to know!