View Full Version : Heart worries!

13-03-13, 21:31
Need answers If posdible. I have really bad heart anxiety. One day 2 years ago i was playing 5a side football and i started to feel dizzy so had to lay on the grass. My heart was racing like I've never had it before and was pumping so hard. Btw i wasn't anxious or even knew what anxiety was back then. So i did the right thing. Went to doctor and he straight away referred me to a cardiologist. I had, ecg, blood work, echocsrdiogram, stress test and 24 hour holter. Everything fine :/ and no explanation as to why this happened. Ever since that happend I haven't played football or any sport. Apart from odd kick about but find myself constantly checking pulse. Still very worried i have huge problem and it's been missef. I miss football so much and it's ruining my life. I just want answers . I know for a fact that i wasn't anxious that night and was never worried about my heart before that happend. Also i don't smoke or drink coffee or red bull. ....Help pleaseeeeeeee

13-03-13, 21:58
Hi Rossi_UK

I have been through similar things so I know how you feel and realise it is scary and hard to deal with.

First off, you were playing football, running around so it is natural for your heart rate to be extremely high and your heart pumping as hard as it can. That's what exercise does to the heart.

I cant say exactly why you felt dizzy that day but it could have been anything, you could of been pushing yourself a little to hard, you could have been slightly unfit at the time or it could be something like you had a bit of a cold or flu or was just slightly under the weather. You may not have eaten enough that day and had a lack of energy and sugar in your body after running around, you could have been dehydrated. Sometimes we just have an off day but it is nothing to worry about.

There are many things that could of caused it and most of them are completely harmless. All the heart tests came back fine so your heart is healthy and let that give you the confidence to start playing sport again.

Even if you had never had anxiety before this episode of dizzyness, it may have been your first light panic attack, or your first real episode of health anxiety which could of added to the dizzyness. As soon as we feel our pluse or think about our heart beating and pumping it can make us feel weak and dizzy.

I have been through the same thing and avoided playing football and going to the gym but you just have to push yourself to do it and gradually get back into it and in the end these worries will gradually fade away and you will be able to enjoy sport again without thinking "oh crap my heart, i feel dizzy" every 2 minutes lol.

Try and stop checking your pulse as it is only going to worry you and keep you in the same pattern of worrying about your heart. What are you checking your pulse to feel anyway? If we do any sport or moving about are heart rate will increase and it will slow down when we are resting, this is completely normal, im sure you know this anyway but just try to stop analyzing everything so much and over time these worries will faid to the back of your mind. :)

13-03-13, 22:18
I get this, my heart would suddenly race and I would feel it in my throat and have to kneel down, I used to do dance and I got it whilst being at dance, so as you can guess I stopped dancing so I understand what you mean about how horrid it is and how it can stop you doing things you enjoy, from the tests I've had done it all seems to just be coming down to an anxiety attack, I never felt anxious before it happened like you said, maybe we just have too much adrenaline !