View Full Version : Brain Tumour Fear

12-09-06, 11:10
Hi there,

The past few months have been pretty clear in terms of health anxiety for me but the past two weeks seem to have kicked up some of the nasty old worries and today is one of those bad days!!

I will simply relay my symptoms to you and please words and if you can offer any words of re-assurance I would be really grateful.

Woke up feeling sick with a headache (instantly feel I have a brain tumour obviously and google search didn't help that!)

Face keeps going numb and then pins and needles keep occuring which I know are syptoms of anxiety. But I have had a few new ones, where my body feels really light and I feel like I am floating when I walk, my stomach is in absolute knots and my head is starting to feel like it is in a vice. I feel really twitchy and keep having moments where I feel like I could projectile vomit onto my computer.

I am convinced that something horrid is happening to me and that any minute now I am going to collapse, start to fit or lose the ability to speak or tell anyone whats wrong.

The next docs appointment I could get is tomorrow at 5.30 so I am worrying even more that it will be too late.

Words of re-assurance from anyone if they have the time : - (

Thanks guys

12-09-06, 11:50
hi i know how you feel i too have worries that i have something more sinister than anxiety.my doctor just keeps perscribing ssri,s but i never take them as i hate the side effects.i know how easy it is to have these symptoms and think of the worst caes scenario,but i really do think you,re anxiety has come back and is giving you these horrible symptoms!!have you read claire weekes book:self help for your nerves?in it she explains that many people think they may have a brain tumour or something seriously wrong with them because of the nasty symptoms that we get.i hope this helps a little and please know that you are not alone!!there are many people here who feel the same way
take care rachel x

12-09-06, 11:55
Totally know how you feel, i feel like Crap too, sat here at work, had a really bad panic attack, my vision started to get very bad, like i couldnt see anything at all, couldnt focus, everything was too bright i panicked so bad, calmed down a bit now, but have same problem with eyes/vision, my eyes are really hurting and i have a dull headache convinced that i have a brain tumor also.

Its so hard to let this anxiety go when we keep getting real symptoms, how can you ignore these, i really dont know.

Im sure that you dont have a brain tumor ,ur pins and needles are probably from overbreathing, i had the same problem yesterday my right hand and right side of my face were numb and ti ngling i was convinced i was having a stroke.

Please dont think you are alone in ur worrying, as i know exactly what you are going through, whenever i go to the doctors about my concerns they always just pacify me.

Please try not too worry although i know its very hard, good luck

Claire x

12-09-06, 13:51
Thank you both so much for the advice, I immediately felt better after reading your posts and guess what the symptoms seem to have subsided slightly.

I sometimes wish my own brain was as re-assuring as other people's words but that is something we all need to keep working on I guess.

I hope your days are getting easier and your symptoms are not ruining your day!!

Thanks again and if I can offer any help anytime let me know

12-09-06, 14:00
I to have had that feeling of floating when i'me walking. Its awful and makes me panic more as do all my weird and wonderful symptoms.
I'me always convinced its something awful but the feelings always go away but always at the back of my mind is the fear that this time its something dreadful. The feelings we experience with panic and anxiety
are so bad is it any wonder we fear the worse. We are all in the same boat, we just have to hope that one day these feelings will leave us for good.
Try not to worry you will be ok.
Love Rosebudxxx

12-09-06, 15:10
The floating one is really strange, like your whole body feels like it will fly away, it can go from feeling like this to feeling as if your body is made of lead and will be pulled through the floor at any moment.

It is extremely frightening and it is just being able to say oh well this feels a bit weird but it will pass that is the thing I guess we all struggle with, sometimes you can manage it others you cant.

It is really really good to know that other people experience the 'weirdest of weird' symptoms. It makes me re-assured that at least today I wont be taken by the men in white coats!!