View Full Version : Déjà vu

13-03-13, 22:30
Hey guys!
I had a brief spell of Déjà vu today, I used to get this a lot before as well epically when I was younger. Always had a feeling tha I have seen " this" before? Now wether I have or haven't is another question but does any one with anxity seem to get them more???

Also I have read some where that maybe when Déjà vu happens it is because this is where your life "resets" itself? And because I have read this a long while ago it never used to affect me, but because I am stuffing form anxity I keep having strange thoughts about my life resetting itself to often then one day it just won't reset! Which starts me of in the whole cycle over again.

Just when I thought I was starting to feel a little better???


13-03-13, 22:36
I get this feeling a lot, but your life resetting itself? that is strange, never heard that one before and wouldn't deem it true at all

13-03-13, 23:33
There are lots of theories behind de ja vu.
I have 2 theories - 1 - brain fart. Remember that the "feeling" of familiarity is also just something your brain creates when it experiences something twice. Everyone now and then I reckon the familarity light flickers on by accident.
2 - remembering dreams. We only remember 5% of our dreams or something ridiculous like that. We dream for a BIG percentage of our lives. Because of the laws of chance there is all likelihood that, every now and then, a situation will exactly repeat a dream, causing this sense of unreality. We forget dreams straight after we wake up, as with de ja vu the feeling just goes after a few seconds.
It is quite scary when you get a really long one though.

14-03-13, 00:50
I get those all the time, always had.

Since I'm suffer from anxiety and obsessive personality disorder (not ocd) they don't surprise me at all.

I'm known to have a incredible memory for events or facts, I can recall entire days or weeks from 30 years ago (no shit, real thing), so I always believed that a deja-vu is nothing more that overlapping experiences/memories that I'm not "aware" of, but that are there and trigger that "familiarity" sensation.

On my case since I'm aware of a lot of the info on my head, maybe I get them more because I'm not used to not remembering stuff...

My GF has terrible memory for almost everything (specially movies), so she often gets "movie deja-vu", on the terms of "humm this movie seems familiar..." :D

Just my 2 pennies ;)