View Full Version : Can this really all be from anxiety?

13-03-13, 22:34
Hi guys, I'm new here.
I've had several chronic health issues over the past 3 or 4 years and I have exhausted just about every avenue for "curing them"...

My basic question is, can a plethora of health problems all be mentally related?

Here is my story/symptoms in a nutshell:

I'm a 23 male. I live in the US. I've always been somewhat of a worrier. Stressing about lots of things...planning far into the future for everything...sometimes expecting the worst for everything etc etc (you know the jist!). My mom is also the same way, so I could have "inherited" some of that from her.

I've had chronic headaches for as long as I can remember (chronic meaning at least 5 days a week...sometimes every single day for weeks and weeks). It's an almost nauseous headache that seems to consume my whole body. I just get a strong headache and an overall weak/sick feeling.

Another predominant symptom is an almost constant week feeling in my arms and legs. It is much stronger right when I wake up, but is always there throughout the day. (I never collapse or can't physically do anything...but it is a very strong feeling of weakness)
I've also had a symptom I describe as "brain fog" for the past several years. Just a very out of it, almost drunk feeling. It's pretty much constant.

There are dozens of other small symptoms, among them, digestive problems ("IBS"), random twitching of the muscles, etc etc.

I've seen 3 or 4 general doctors other than my regular doctor, 3 neurologists, a GI, several psychologists, eye doctors, a muscle therapist, etc etc. Everything is always normal. I had an MRI of the brain done about 2 years ago. It was normal.

I pinpoint this starting about 6 years ago when I had mono...but it could have easily been going on before that. I don't remember. And I have had TONS of blood work, etc done...all normal. So I don't think it's any kind of virus or infection that is still lingering.

I just don't know what to do anymore. The physical symptoms are always there...and it's impossible to just relax, because when I relax they seem to get worse. It's not like an emotional problem where I can just distract myself...physical is so much harder because it's almost impossible not to think about it.

I guess my question to you guys is whether this could all be related to me being a worrier, or if there is something definitely wrong?
If it is all anxiety related, is there hope of getting out of it? I've tried all kinds of physiological things from mindfulness to meditation, etc.

I'm to the point where I'm just slowly seeing doctors over time...instead of every week or something.

I'm scared...and I hate being so young with the feeling that I will never feel normal or healthy ever again.

I feel alone in this...and that is probably the worst part.

Thanks so much if you've read all the way through this.

14-03-13, 06:13
Hi Cpan,

It does sound like it is down to worrying but I'm not a doctor. I too have had similar symptoms and have had all the tests and all everything came back normal too. You should try get some cognitive behavioural therapy, it might help, its meant to work a treat for this health anxiety. I am currently waiting on an appointment.
You have had lots of important tests and all clear so you need to tell yourself this and try to accept it, even though it is hard when you are still experiencing symptoms.
The mind is so powerful and can easily convince us that we're dying of this and that. I know when I'm worried alot I feel every sensation in my body then I start to panic and the cycle continues. Try to relax and maybe loo into getting that CBT.
Take care

14-03-13, 15:55
Thanks Polly!