View Full Version : Spontaneous Anxiety Attack

13-03-13, 22:43
It all started two nights ago, I had an extremely Vivid dream of me being on a plane and it crashing into the runway, and then I woke up. Straight after the dream I thought nothing of it, but 60% of the time I do dream about being on a plane going some where, or waiting for a train which always leads my anxiety a stray to the big "what ifs?"

Yesterday I began brushing my teeth around 10:30 ish, and all of a sudden I had this absolutely terrifying wave of anxiety.. it was that bad I nearly had to vomit, I started almost convincing myself that "What if I'm in a dream..What If I'm stuck in a dream?" and started feeling really foggy straight afterwards. After about an hour it all calmed down, and I felt find but EXTREMELY exhausted.

It's now the following night and I'm starting to get anxious about these thoughts again, I've spoken to a lot of my friends who said "it literally is the horrible cycle of Anxiety" and this is by the far the worst I've had.

I was just wondering if people could shed some light on this, and perhaps explain their ways of dealing with it? Does anybody get flashbacks of their dreams? Random images of their dreams? How do you deal with the anxiety? Do you ever feel you're stuck in a dream?

I'm on 10mg Citalopram, and I've been on them for just over a month. I was also on a course last year, but didn't take them properly.


14-03-13, 21:23
Anyone? :/

15-03-13, 09:15
I have vivid dreams especially when I first started taking Citalopram, some mornings I'd wake up feeling like I'd been somewhere else from the vivid dreams. Most of my dreams mean something, a lot of from my past, happier times etc.