View Full Version : Scared to dye hair?? :(

13-03-13, 23:38
hi everyone
i know this is really silly but i have extreme anxiety and phobia of hair dye allergy!
i have been dying my hair for 7 years with the same colour (black) and have had no problems in the past thankfully....since all of this ppd scare and allergic reactions ive been terrified to do it and convinced i will die from dying it :( and end up in hospital :(

does any one have this problem and do you think if i do the skin test and its ok it will be ok to dye it? its really getting me down seeing everyone with nice hair and mine is terrible :(

thank youxx

14-03-13, 00:19
hello,i have the same phobia about hair dyes it took me six months to pluck up courage to do it,they say the skin test is advised but ive seen on youtube people who claim they did the patch test and still had a reaction,i did a read up on it all and it does say its extremely rare to have a extreme reaction to hair dyes,but like you i still have that fear it might be me so your not alone in this, many worry about it,i have my youngest daughter stay in the bathrom with me and i take my tranqulisers and just try not to think abou it,i sit in a hot bath for 20 mins whiles its dying and hope for the best,im like this with lots of things food,clothes the list goes on. hope you manage to do it in the end its not easy being fed up with your hair and seeing everyone else just doing it like they had a shampoo,but thats phobias for you,all the best linda

14-03-13, 00:49
Not sure what advice I can give but just to say I have this too.

I dyed my hair for years - naturally dark blonde/dyed it dark brown - and never even considered that anything might happen.

My anxiety got really bad a couple of years ago due to health worries and since then one thing I've not dared do is dye my hair. Even with the same product I used for years!

14-03-13, 09:06
thank you so much for the replies

Sorry to hear that you are in the same position too :( its so hard isnt it. im sure we would be fine to do it but the anxiety takes over, even though a reaction is really rare i know:(

thanks for the advice. I want to try pluck up the courage and do it, soon!!!

thank you xxx

---------- Post added at 09:06 ---------- Previous post was at 09:05 ----------

Not sure what advice I can give but just to say I have this too.

I dyed my hair for years - naturally dark blonde/dyed it dark brown - and never even considered that anything might happen.

My anxiety got really bad a couple of years ago due to health worries and since then one thing I've not dared do is dye my hair. Even with the same product I used for years!

have you looked at naturtint, its all organic :-) only thing is it lasts a few weeks and washes out but its completely chemical free

14-03-13, 10:46
mrslala, I can understand your concerns however, provided you carry out the skin test 48 hours prior to colouring, you should be absoloutely fine.

The best place to test is behind your ear just by your hairline or in the crook of your elbow. Leave the tint to dry and do not remove it for the full 48 hours. If you experience any itching, burning, blistering, severe redness or a rash then DO NOT proceed with the colour. I am sure if you have been used this product before you should have no problems but it is always best to carry out a skin test every couple of months. And yes, alergic reactions are quite rare.

Go ahead and pamper yourself, you will feel so much better :yesyes:

Kitti :)

14-03-13, 10:48
Thank you :)

Im not sure why I am so scared of it :( but I will do the test and colour it this weekend, if you saw it it so needs doing!!! ;-)

Thank you, will let you know how it goes <3

thanks for the support :):flowers:

Daisy Sue
14-03-13, 12:11
I worry about allergic reactions a lot, because I have a compromised immune system and I'm finding as I get older that there are more things I'm sensitive or allergic than I was... I carry an Epipen around with me just in case.

Some time back I had a slight allergic reaction to hair dye.. made my scalp really sore & itchy, so I went onto Superdrug's own temporary colours... they're around £2 and come in a little silver bottle, & seem very gentle - I use them regularly and have never had a problem. :)

14-03-13, 13:16
Read this extract on their website - only use the Color Rinse if you want to guarantee no PPDs...

Naturtint Permanent Hair Colorant contains minimum levels of PPD whilst Naturtint Reflex Non-Permanent Color Rinse is free of PPDs. People allergic to PPD or those simply looking to avoid it should also be mindful that PPD has a number of alternatives that carry the same warnings and risk of allergy, such as toluene-2, 5-diamino sulphate and 2-dihydroxyethylamino or derivatives of PPD such as PPD salts and sulphates like N-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine.

only other alternative is to try highlights as if you have foils the dye shouldn't have much contact with the scalp...

17-03-13, 23:02
Still havent plucked up the courage to do the skin test and the box is looking at me! What is wrong with me :(

18-03-13, 00:42
Hello, I am a hair stylist I seen this post thought I'd reply to it.

If you have used the same brand hair dye in the past, there's a very minor chance of an allergic reaction but it's always adviseable to do an allergy test.

Patch tests behind the ear or the inner elbow for 48hrs is always recommended.

You can speak to your doctor asking for a referral to a dermatologist who will do different chemical tests to see what can trigger a reaction giving yourself peace of mind for future reference.

If you decide to go ahead with your own skin patch test, can you please remember if it's a 2 bottled product please skin test both bottles.

I hope something that I have written is helpful to you. :))

18-03-13, 02:26
I know the feeling! I was exactly the same but one day I just thought, stuff it, I'm sick of looking like this and dyed my hair! Everything was fine!

What is it exactly that worries you? What would you do if you had a reaction? I imagine you would wash it out and seek medical advice and you would be okay, like you would if you touched anything that set off a reaction. Same if you walked down the street and fell over and twisted your ankle - you would go to the doctor and rest up for a while, but it wouldn't stop you from walking down the street again.

18-03-13, 23:25
Thank you both for your replies!!

I will use both the tube and bottle for the skin test thank you :-)

Lilharry im not even sure :-( I think its the fear of having a really bad reaction and not being able to breathe and have to go to hospital:-s I dont know whats brought this on as I used to dye it every month always fine, and then I kept seeing stories on the daily mail website of ppd reactions and swollen faces etc even someone dying :( so i stopped doing it.

admire you for being brave and doing it :) bet you feel better for it :D xx

19-03-13, 19:28
I am struggling with this as well, been dying my hair for 15 years with no problems, now am scared to even put a wash in wash out dye on.
I have done about 20 skin test (yes really) and have had no reaction but am still to scared to go ahead
I am like you Mrslala, I have spent time looking at websites and reading worst cast scenarios and am now convinced I am going to get a reaction.
Let us know if you manage to do it. :hugs:

19-03-13, 19:56
Hey I had this problem :)

I found that the foam ones helped me get over it as they seem jsut like shampoo! Maybe give them a shot :) They also dont smell as strong

20-03-13, 03:44
I'm just trying to remember how I made myself do it... I think I just said to myself, well if I'm going to have a reaction then so be it, I'll just go to hospital and they'll sort it out. I was really scared, but after I didn't get a reaction I realised how silly I was being. I actually think making myself do that actualyl gave me some of my self confidence back and helped me with other things!

21-03-13, 23:05
Thanks guys :)

Appreciate it.

I did the skin test today, was all ok, but had horrific panic attack. no itching or bumps or rash come up......

21-03-13, 23:08
Awesome! YOu will be fine! Do it! You'll feel so good afterwards!

21-03-13, 23:24
Thanks Lilharry :)

I will do it Saturday morning so thats 48 hours then :-)

Like you &others have said above.... I just need to do it and anything bad happens there not going to leave me to die :D

I hate anxiety!!!!

Hope your ok

22-03-13, 06:03
I daren't use hair dye either!
My way round it is to use one of the old fashioned caps with holes in and pull a few strands through. That way, I'm not rubbing anything into my scalp.
Luckily, I'm not grey yet (at 55), probably 'cause I'm natural blonde but it gets darker as you get older and I like to highlight it.

22-03-13, 09:27
I dyed my hair last week, I used the new kind with no smell.
I did the test the night before. Having blonde hair turnig white at the sides, I chose a light brown colour. big mistake came out very dark.
Next time I will have a blonde colour.
Having said that I have washed my hair with dandruff shampoo and it has faded
a little bit and is turning into a mixture of shades and looks good now.
In the boxes of dyes there is a helpline to phone if you need any advice.
Let us how you go on mrslala:)

23-03-13, 12:07
Hair dye is on!! So panicky. Thanks so much for the advice and support. ITs nice to know im not the only one :( wish theyd bring out something a bit safer!!!

Here goes!!

23-03-13, 12:26
Hair dye is on!! So panicky. Thanks so much for the advice and support. ITs nice to know im not the only one :( wish theyd bring out something a bit safer!!!

Here goes!!

Well done Mrslala , will be great knowing how you go on. :hugs:

23-03-13, 13:30
Hi, :-) I survived it!!Was so scared but thought OK ive done the skin test, So I went for it and looks So much better!! I have a headache now from the come down of the anxiety :(

Almamatters you should try it :-) Once youve done the skin tests, have a go :-) You will feel so much better for doing it. Only left it on for 20 mins rather than the 30 though as started getting too panicky :(

Thank you all for your help I wouldnt of done it with your words which made me think about it and do it after the skin tests! xxx

23-03-13, 13:52
Thats good news mrslala:)xx

23-03-13, 16:54
Good for you Mrslala. Bet it looks nice, you will find it easier doing it next time now . I will have to try it soon, it is becoming a bit of an obsession with me. :hugs:

23-03-13, 17:46
Well done :yesyes: all that worry but and now you feel (and look) so much better!!

23-03-13, 19:24
Oh yay! I am so happy for you! That is fantastic news! You were really really brave to do that hun. No stopping you now!

09-06-13, 22:28
Still havent dyed it since the last time :( I got over the anxiety but now its back again and cant face doing it again!! :( really upseting that all my friends change their colour like its nothing but im petrified!! Thanks for all of your messages. I know nothing will happen its just the risk! xxxxx

15-06-13, 13:44
Need advice!! Suffering back the now from hay fever and its affected my scalp and head so its itching constantly. Anyway I need to dye my hair as grey coming through alot & going away next week so instead of my normal dye I bought the garnier olia without the anmonia so done test behind ear last night and this morning its red and itchy and skin peeling. I'm not going to use this because of that so I've bought my usual stuff but scared to use it because of what happened with other dye! Done test on arm with usual stuff so have to wait to see. Can I do anything else or anyone recommend anything???


22-07-18, 08:11
Hi i know this an old post but i wanted say how not alone i feel now i see others have the same things i panic over,i have dyed my hair for years all different colours but the last 4 years i have developed a phobia of it for some reason,so im due to get married aug 31st my hair is grey im 34 but feel 64 looks wise its awful and i just dont know what to do.

22-07-18, 20:32
Hi CHrissy, Just a story about my next door neighbour.
about ten years ago she had grey hair. One day she knocked on my back door, I had the shock of my life, she had beautiful dark brown hair. Took years off her. She has it dyed ( the roots every so many weeks ) at the hairdressers. She is 70 now.
Go for it if you will feel more confident,:)