View Full Version : I am surely messed up I know it!

14-03-13, 03:31
I haven't been on this site in forever since my anxiety has been so good!! I even stopped going to therapy! Well now I feel anxious again, and sort of ill :(

My eyes are the biggest part of my anxiety. I see floaters in the sky, fog, and snow, also it looks like moving flashes of light blue light along with the floaters. I feel like I'm getting more and more floaters! I try so hard not to look at them but I can't help myself and I just want them to go away.

Also, I been having a crap load of other flashing lights that aren't like the ones I see in the sky. They say still and are bright, but small. I'm super paranoid about them. Today I also have a head ache and a stomach ache, I have all day. I admit, my anxiety does rise when I don't feel well which probably pushing me over the edge to go seek help:/ I do suffer from visual snow if that makes any difference

I'm young only 16 why do I have so many eye problems? I surely hope this isn't neurological :(( can it be? I hope not i need help!!

14-03-13, 19:13
So no one knows what's wrong with me?:(