View Full Version : Health Anxiety is cured.

14-03-13, 07:14
I just thought I'd come back to these forums one last time, to say thank-you to anyone who has helped me through the dark times of HA.

I am happy to say I am living a happy life again, Anxiety free and medication free. I'm not sure how I cured myself, I just woke up one morning and just came to a realization. "If something happens, it happens." and that has changed everything!

Now whenever, I get a weird sore,lump,ache etc.. I acknowledge it, but I don't let it take over my mind. I keep an eye on it.. and funny enough it passes. I haven't been to a doctors office in over a month. (That's a massive accomplishment for me lol)

I wish everyone the best of luck, we only have one life and we should be enjoying what time we have.. not worrying about things that might or might not happen.


14-03-13, 09:14

That is fantastic, you must be so relieved. I am trying a similar approach to this horrible illness.

When I feel a bit shakey, or get the signs a panic attack is imminent, I go through my usual routine. That is, stretches, walk and distraction like music or phone call. Recently, I have finished by saying, 'so what if I die, I'm alive right now, so I must keep going'.

It definitely helps.

Well done and good luck for the future.


Vanilla Sky
14-03-13, 15:45
That's exactly what happened to me . I just thought so what if it happens. I think that's the key to letting the anxiety go

14-03-13, 16:06
I just thought I'd come back to these forums one last time, to say thank-you to anyone who has helped me through the dark times of HA.

I am happy to say I am living a happy life again, Anxiety free and medication free. I'm not sure how I cured myself, I just woke up one morning and just came to a realization. "If something happens, it happens." and that has changed everything!

Now whenever, I get a weird sore,lump,ache etc.. I acknowledge it, but I don't let it take over my mind. I keep an eye on it.. and funny enough it passes. I haven't been to a doctors office in over a month. (That's a massive accomplishment for me lol)

I wish everyone the best of luck, we only have one life and we should be enjoying what time we have.. not worrying about things that might or might not happen.


:yesyes: Well done..... You have got the right mindset and with that you will find that life will open up a lot for you. :yahoo:

And by coming back one more time you will have given hope to many..

Thank you mate.

And enjoy:D

15-03-13, 04:52
Thanks guys!

Yes, It's a massive relief. I'm focusing on my studies now, and even my teachers are noticing a huge improvement in my work.. and got my last two assignments 100% :yesyes:.

Agreed Vanilla Sky.. The key is letting the anxiety go, or even accepting the anxiety. If you fight it, you will never get out of this struggle guys.

We also need to accept we are all going to die at some point. but we are ALIVE right now, right? .. There are hospital wings full of KIDS with terminal diseases that know their days are short. Yet still have a smile on their face, and enjoying the time they have here on this earth.

I know, it's really not as simple as just saying "Don't worry.".. But I've been there, I was a massive worrier, several false alarm calls to the ambulances and trips to the ER..

I know this forum is a great support, but maybe jump off the computer for a good week or two, and stop looking for reassurance. Listen to your Doctors and enjoy your life!

I hope each and every one of you can, much love. :bighug1:

15-03-13, 05:32

We also need to accept we are all going to die at some point. but we are ALIVE right now, right? .. There are hospital wings full of KIDS with terminal diseases that know their days are short. Yet still have a smile on their face, and enjoying the time they have here on this earth.

Do you know, I think this I the truest thing I've read. It's certainly hit home with me. Thanks for posting.

15-03-13, 19:54
Congrats. Something i've come to realise recently.


15-03-13, 20:46
Wow that is amazing well done you!! Reading this makes me feel optimistic that I can do it too :)