View Full Version : Thoroughly exhausted mentally

14-03-13, 09:41
I'm so thoroughly mentally exhausted at the moment, all I want to do is sleep, I'm currently having CBT Counselling, had my first session the other week, am on venlafaxine 150mg. Does anyone know if this mental exhaustion can be eased by anything?

14-03-13, 10:30
I was exactly where you are a few months ago. Remember, when you have anxiety your mind is constantly on alert which can be exhausting in itself. Also motivation can be low which doesn't help. I am also on venlafaxine 75mg since last August, and diazepam too. I believe the meds can also contribute to the feeling of exhaustion but this should settle in time.

My GP told me if I was tired, to rest or sleep as your mind and body are telling you that you need to. It's part of the healing process and gives you some respite from the exhaustion that often comes with anxiety/panic/depression etc.

I hope you feel better soon and I am sure in time this will pass. Kitti :)

14-03-13, 10:47
Have you looked at Chronic fatigue syndrome? I went through this last year and my body needed to rest I literally slept and looked after myself changed my diet and cut out alcohol... took time out from work and i have now recovered :) good luck.xx

14-03-13, 16:31
Thank you for your replies, have been to a counselling session today and they think I have generalised anxiety disorder and the constant state of worry and alert is what is tiring me out, I may have to learn to rest like mentioned by kitti xx

15-03-13, 20:09
I'm where you are.

After 2 months of constant anxiety that just seems to be worsening, I am now at the point where even having a shower is a struggle and my concentration level is so low.

I'm now just trying to relax at all times and let my body tell me when it's ready to do something.

I know that a constant state of worry and anxiety is most certainly causing my constant tiredness. If it was something more serious, then I would be able to sleep better at night and be able to nap in the day.

Steven x

16-03-13, 02:10
keep believing ... somehow x