View Full Version : Losing yourself.

14-03-13, 11:48
Does anyone else feel different and not themselves?
I keep thinking I just don't feel right and not myself or sometimes like I am going to lose my mind and forget who I am or who people are? As if you have lost yourself and your never going to get yourself back?
I don't know if this makes sense to anyone!

16-03-13, 10:55
Dear Zippy,

I don't think I know exactly what you mean, but I do often feel like I am walking on a ledge. If I fall over it, I fear I will never come back from it, that I will lose all sense of who I am and who I know ... lose my grip on reality.

I am seeing a therapist long term and have weekly appointment, so it helps to know someone will come find me if I do get "lost". She knows me quite well by now and I know she could probably help me back if this ever happens.

I am feeling quite lost at the moment. I have gone off citalopram and the intense emotions are quite a lot to handle. I used to think I knew exactly who I was and what I wanted ... until I snapped just over a year ago. I am learning I was was not who I thought I was, but still not sure who I am (not sure if that makes sense). Maybe I lost who I thought I was, the person I wanted to be, but my therapist assures me that this is a healthier space to be in ... I am more accepting of who I am ... all of who I am. The good and the bad ... the parts of me that come from being badly hurt ... the parts the come of adapting to my life ... the parts of me that are broken, that need fixing ... and the parts that are beautiful and good and strong.

I hope that makes sense.

16-03-13, 13:45
i totally feel like this at the moment! I feel like I have totally lost who i used to be before I got ill. I don't even know who that person was anymore.

I think it is a common feeling with anxiety. i have been reading a Claire Weekes book and she mentions it too.

I try to keep holding on to the things around me- my partner, house, dogs, family because I am scared i will lose them too if I let go.


16-03-13, 22:32
Hi Zippy,

What is wrong? What illness do you refer to?

I hope you don't mind me asking.
