View Full Version : Hello! A panicky lawyer here!

14-03-13, 13:39
Hello everyone!

I am so pleased that I have found this website as it makes me realise that I am not alone in suffering form anxiety.

I thought I would write a bit about myself as an introduction and my experience of panic / anxiety. I’m 30, a lawyer and live in Durham City (U.K). I used to be a pretty heavy smoker (30 a day) and in May last year I went to my doctor with a lump in my throat. I was convinced was some sort of cancer, but was reassured it was something called globus hystericus (which is a kind of psychosomatic lump in the throat). It immediately got better, and I didn’t feel anxious ... until I gave up smoking in January 2013. Notwithstanding the panic, I still haven’t smoked since!

I was using a nicotine inhaler one evening and convinced myself I had given myself nicotine poisoning – I started to exhibit all the symptoms, rapid heart beat, feeling overstimulated, bloated and so forth. No realising it was a panic attack, I thought I was having an heart attack, phoned for an ambulance three times, but eventually cancelled it.

The next day I woke up and started the develop the above symptoms again. This time I went to my local A&E where they couldn’t find anything wrong with my heart. Through a bit of self-diagnosis on the Internet, talking to friends (a surprising number of which have had or know someone who has suffered from panic attacks), and a medical diagnosis following from my doctor I finally realised it was anxiety. Since my first attack, I have felt much more anxious, have nagging pains in my chest and shortness of breath most of the time. It is awful.

I have had blood tests, which all came back fine. I’m pretty terrified of any drug treatment at the moment, which was (rather dishearteningly) the first port of call my GP advised me to make. The coverage for psychological services in Durham seems pretty limited on the NHS – I was offered a CBT course with telephone support. I immediately snapped this up. I am also paying for private psychotherapy (just attended an introduction this week) with a clinical psychologist. In the meantime I have been using the Overcoming Panic and Agrephobia Self-Help Course by Silove and Manicavasagar which has helped me realised I haven’t got any strange physical illness and I would recommend.

When I am not panicking I love fencing (the Olympic sport) and coach the sport – although I am nervous about going back to my club at the moment! I also like music and play the piano, history, reading, restaurants, socialising and theatre (notwithstanding the fact I do seem to panic when I am watching a play, grr!).

I have probably rambled on too much now, but my aim in joining this site is to get some support and get back on track to overcoming my anxiety. I would also like to support other people suffering from the condition if I can. I always think the best way to overcome a problem is to work together!

I’m also keen to meet anyone in the Durham / Newcastle area who suffers from anxiety for a chat as there seems to be a complete lack of support groups up here. If anyone knows of any groups here let me know.

Anyway, if this hasn’t sent everyone reading it to sleep, I look forward to getting to know you all soon.


14-03-13, 13:55
Hi Alex :welcome: I am sure you will find lots of support on here. I am also from the same area as you and think it would be good to arrange a get together sometime as there are others in the North East also on here.

14-03-13, 14:16
hi lots of friendly/ helpful people on here. your not alone

14-03-13, 17:04

14-03-13, 17:45
Hi Alex. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll benefit from being here, just as I have.

14-03-13, 18:45
wishing you well

14-03-13, 20:18
Welcome to the forums! :)

Daisy Sue
14-03-13, 20:27
Hi Alex, welcome to the forum :) It took me a while to figure out and believe my symptoms were panic & anxiety when it first started, so I know what you went through, worrying it's a medical crisis every time. Hopefully now that you know what it is, and that you're getting help & seeing so many others here going through the same, you'll start to feel reassured and gain confidence again.

17-03-13, 16:13
What a great introduction. I love Durham, one of my favourite cities. Wonderful, you have done all the right things and there is no reason in the world that your anxiety will now die down and totally disappear with the help and support you so rightly sought out. Well done, you should be very proud of yourself. I'm new here myself and cant tell you how fabulous it is. The worst thing is thinking you are on your own...you are not. Linda :shades:

Vanilla Sky
17-03-13, 19:57
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

malcolm furneaux
17-03-13, 20:05
Hi Alex,

welcome to NMP. Another vey excellent book for anxiety that u should get hold off is "Selfhelp for your nerves" by Dr Clare Weekes. This is an old book and Dr Weekes is dead now but her advice in my view remains spot on & is simple to understand. Hope u fel better soon

Malcolm Furneaux

28-03-13, 00:03
Hey guys! Thanks for all the great messages. This is a really supportive community and it's great to know I am not along going through this! :)

28-03-13, 02:16
Welcome! This site is great all right :)

28-03-13, 16:38
Do hope you get a lot reassurance from this site, I have only been on it a few days but it makes one realise there is a lot of helpful people out there. hopey

28-03-13, 19:23
Hope you can find some help and support here, thanks for your reply to my thread aswell :) very helpful, take care.