View Full Version : Have I messed my metabolism up?

14-03-13, 18:34
These last two days I have eaten at 7:30am then not till 6:00 ish at night again.
I've had breakfast biscuits and a yoghurt in the morning then a huge dinner at night, I thought I'd try this to loose weight not proud of it though.

Anyway to cut a long story short tomorrow I want to go back to normal eating.
Snack /dessert sometimes?
My body was not hungry in the day today like it was yesterday.
Have I now set my body up to this routine wereby if I go back to normal ill put on weight?
I didn't feel hungry at all till the evening today.
I've read storied of people doing what I have. And the body learns to store what you give it if you only eat once a day properly and the metabolism slows down to cope with this so if they go back to smaller regular meals they put on weight? Have I ruined my self?

---------- Post added at 18:34 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

For example breakfast will be a bowl of cornflakes or a home made smoothie. Either apple, milk and peanut butter. Of strawberrys, jam and yoghurt or milk.
Mid morning snack: a granola honey oats nature valley bar or a yoghurt.
Lunch: scrambled egg on toast
Dinner: tuna and sweetcorn jacket potato. Served with either baked beans or a broccoli and cauliflower cheese or both.

I'm so scared to go back to normal now.

I'm worried about being overweight because of the damage it can do to our health overall

14-03-13, 19:00
First off you need to stop worrying about your weight and food so much. From what ive read on your other threads and posts your diet seems fine, so try and stop over thinking it so much.

The thing about the metabolism is right that if you only eat one meal or so a day your body will try and hold onto that and store it and your metabolism will slow down but as soon as you go back to eating small regular meals your metabolism will rise again, so no it will not still being trying to store that food.

Eating small regular meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism up.

Anyway, just try and eat reasonably healthy whenever you feel hungry, but as I said before you seem to be doing fine and you are not overweight at all. You are making things more complicated than they need to be.

14-03-13, 19:51
Hi thank you.
I don't know why this has become such an obsession these last few weeks.
I've tried to not eat but once I get home I can't resist dinner ad I've starved all day long for the last two days .
I step on the scales at least five times a day. I've just got to stop counting sodding calories

14-03-13, 20:34
Well your better off eating regular small meals throughout the day then starving yourself until dinner. Small regular healthy meals is better for you and keeps your metabolism up, which is what you want if your worried about putting on weight.

15-03-13, 05:55
Thank you.
Having an evening meal out tomorrow night so will aim for a light breakfast and lunch as want to still be hungry enough to eat out.

Was thinking each week just making a chicken casserole, beef stew, home made curries, mac n cheese (occasionly!) in the slow cooker to take to work mon-thurs. that way I know I'm eating healthy ish at work.
Once I start eating normally will my metabolism come back up? I havnt slowed it to a point that it can't cope with more meals and will put on weight?
I'm three pounds lighter than a week ago now.
I now weigh 7 stone 12 pounds

Talking to someone at work who has noticeably put on weight in the last few months. Told me I wouldn't out in weight eating what I do.
I think the sad thing is I wish had the willpower to only eat 400/500 calories a day. But I don't. I want to be skinnier.

15-03-13, 06:17
Hi Emma your metabolism is just fine. skipping a few meal is not going to do lasting harm. you are defiantly focusing on your eating habits in a very unhealthy way. eating too much or too little or alternating is not a problem. focusing on it like this is. I have friends with eating disorders this is how it starts making eating an obsession. perhaps it might be time to sit down with one of your care team and discuss this. you must nip this behaviour in the bud. it's not healthy focusing in this way and a certain sign of illness. I am sorry if that sounds harsh but for someone a healthy weight to obsess on food intake calories weight and metabolism. it's time to talk to someone about the cause x

15-03-13, 18:28
Hi guys.
I agree with you Han doesn't sound harsh at all its just the truth.
I think it's time to see the gp about this.

Today have not been good.
Breakfast . Apple blueberrys. Milk with one tablespoon peanut butter mixed in.
Snack, honey oats granola bad.
Lunch. Cheese on toast. Raisins. Crime egg.
Dinner. Ham egg and chips
Could of been worse but could of been a lot healthier.

On my ipad I have a log of all the food ate over the past three weeks .
Your meant to have 14,000 cslories a week according to guidelines.
I shouldn't be sitting here working it out though.

Btw I didn't cook my egg very well ate most of it. Put one part in my mouth nd it was still raw will I get salmonella. It was stuck to the plate and was see through like a raw egg :(.

Eating out tomorrow night about 7:45 ish at a Chinese buffet place. Plan to not eat to many carbs and not have dessert at all.

17-03-13, 13:53
Had a bad Saturday night.
Had a 6 slices take away pizza and a half garlic bread. And a tub ben and jerrys ice cream and creme eggs with a friend Saturday night.
Now I never ever binge like this. It's very rare and I know once will not do me any lasting damage what so ever and I probably won't even gain a pound from doing it but I'm feeling very very guilty today about it.
Have managed breakfast just now : two hot cross buns but have told dad I don't want any Sunday dinner later as I want to make up for yesterday.
I have been to morrisons for lunches and dinners next week.
Bought ham and corned beef of the deli for sarnies. Chicken tikka samosas of the deli but am scared to eat them as I don't know how many calories are in them and a southerrn fried chicken wing of the deli counter but now its home i dont want it! Eggs . i love hard boiled eggs. Fruit- apples, bananas, tinned peaches. A snack size jelly pot and rice pudding. Olives(guilty pleasure) . Yoghurts. Nature valley granola bars.

Dinners: omelette with mushrooms, onions, cheese and tomatoes.
Home made tuna and sweetcorn fishcakes
Bacon and leak quiche with jacket potato and coleslaw.

Havnt thought any further than that.

What I eat is becoming an obsession very quickly and this isn't healthy. Ever since I've started counting grams of fat, sugar, salt and counting calories I've never felt the urge to binge eat like I have now!

I'm also on the look out for low sugar breakfasts.
Fruit is so high in fructose I only allow two portions a day so that's out for breakfast as I have one piece for morning snack and one in my lunch box
Don't want bread as I have it for sarnies.
Don't want cereal as the added milk. Don't want porridge because of the added milk calories and don't like it with water. Don't want hot cross buns to much sugar even though I ate them today but I'm not having anything else so ill allow it! Only thing I can think of is crumpets!

17-03-13, 20:13
Fell asleep about 4! Woke up about half hour ago.
Had a cheese and Tomoato sandwhich. A banana. And a chicken tikka samosa . Couldn't stomach the thought of a big dinner

18-03-13, 21:05
I also worry about my salt intake aswell.
Today I calculate at least 2,100 calories a bit more than I was aiming for.

Breakfast: one slice jam on toast. Small bowl cornflakes. Cup of tea 6:00am
Another cup of tea when I got to work. 7:30am
Snack: green apple. 10:30am
Lunch: one round ham and Tomoato sandwhich. light Philly cheese with mini breadsticks. A banana. A mini ambrosia rice pudding. 1:30pm
Dinner: three egg omlette with onion, mushrooms, green olives and one handful grated cheddar. Reduced fat coleslaw 6:00pm
500ml bottle of water through out the day and another glass of water with dinner.
Today was far to high in fat and salt for my liking. Eggs have so much fat and saturated fat in them! I didn't realise .

Won't he having toast in morning tomorrow as having jacket potato for dinner with tuna and tinned sweetcorn and cucumber. I was going to have baked beans with it but all that salt and sugar in baked beans!?

Lunch is corned beef and Tomoato sandwhich, a banana, a yoghurt and possibly a small snack.
I want something healhtly to have with the jacket tomorrow. Was thinking broccoli

19-03-13, 06:11
Don't know if it has something to do with the fact that when I was younger my mum used to force us to eat every single bite of our meals and no snacks inbetween ever. I wasn't aloud to leave one rice Krispy in the bowl and she would give us six weetabix and make us eat every last bit even though it was far far to much for me to manage.
Same with dinner. Six slices of ham, three eggs, ten tomatoes and half a cucumber just to start a salad and we had to eat it!

---------- Post added at 06:11 ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 ----------

Our cereal bowls were full to the point they overflowed

19-03-13, 10:08
OK there are a lot of things that don't seem to add up about all this:

You say your are seven and a half stone - unless you are very petite that's a pretty low weight.

At the same time you also say you want to lose weight. Why? you may already be underweight.

In relation to that weight you actually seem to be eating quite a lot - too much to maintain it I would say.

You mentioned in an earlier post that you only go to the toilet about once a week. Someone who eats normal amounts of food would expect to go every day or at least every other day.

I don't think you're giving us the whole picture here Emma, and that's entirely up to you, but I think you need to be honest with yourself about your eating and your weight because none of the things you have said make sense when you put them all together.

19-03-13, 19:26
I'm 5foot 1 normal BMI.
I go loo once a week. I have been told te normal before not everyone goes every other day or every day.
I want to maintain my weight ideally. I'm hungry for all I eat: I'm telling tr truth I don't see what doesn't add up I'm terrified of putting on weight .
I haven't told any lies or anything it's all tr truth and I find it hard to see what it doesn't add up.

---------- Post added at 18:30 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21 ----------

Now more scared since you've said ill put on weight. A smaller lunch would be only way around it.
Have to have breakfast at 6:00am as leave at 6:30
Snack: 10:30 as starving!
Lunch bout 1:30 very hungry
Dinner about 6:30 very hungry again

---------- Post added at 19:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:30 ----------

I'm just scared I'm eating to much,
Suppose could have smaller lunch
Today was : breaky : small bowl cornflakes
Snack: Apple
Lunch: corned beef tomato sarnie, banana, bag of quavers
Dinner: jacket potato with tuna and sweetcorn. Salad- lettuce, cucumber, tomato, light salad cream
A lot?

19-03-13, 19:36
Hi again Emma,

You are over thinking things a little bit. You say you want to maintain your weight, well you have been about the same weight for a while haven't you? So it looks like your diet is fine at the moment.

Remember you work and you are moving about and burning calories all day anyway so a lot of the food you eat is being burnt off for energy anyway. If you want to eat a little extra thats ok, if you do some light exercise you will burn it off anyway. I just think you should eat healthy food when you feel hungry and that's it, you don't need to be worrying about it every day.

You do seem to be getting a bit caught up in all the worries about your weight, food and your diet. Maybe you could talk to your doctor or one of your family about your worries.

19-03-13, 19:44
Thank you.
I walk 1.5 miles a day aswell sometimes three unless its chucking down with rain . Sometimes I sit down all day at work other days running around and on my feet all day long like today.
I do try to eat healthily . Have today done quite well and yesterday. I just worry about things to much.