View Full Version : What's "The Equality Act" and how does it apply to GAD?

14-03-13, 18:31
The Occupational Health report has arrived for my inspection, and I'm pretty happy with it. Thank you everyone who reassured me, you were so right! :yahoo:

The doctor has to answer eight questions, one of which is "In your medical opinion, is the employee likely to be disabled under the terms of the Equality Act?", and the doctor has written "In my opinion, the Equality Act is likely to apply in this case". So, what does that mean for me and my GAD? Does anyone have any experience of this? :unsure:

14-03-13, 19:09
Under the Equality Act 2010 a disability is

someone has a physical or mental impairment, and
the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Your Dr is saying in their opinion you fall into both these categories ie: you have a disability as defined under the act.

14-03-13, 19:09
Yes mine said the same. Under the 2010 equalities act if you have a mental health problem your employer will have a duty of care and will need to show that they are supporting you. They may be required to do a stress management plan with you.

14-03-13, 19:15
Yes, this is a good thing as you are protected. Your employer can't discriminate against you because of your GAD either directly or indirectly.

14-03-13, 19:26
Yes, I too am covered. It protects you against discrimination at work and as already stated, your employer has a duty of care to help and support you accordingly.

Glad it all went well for you and I wish you well in your recovery :hugs: Kitti x

15-03-13, 17:51
Same here. Our Occupational Health contractors confirmed that my GAD is classed as a disability because it's lasted over 12 months and without treatment (in my case medication) it would be disabling for normal everyday activities.