View Full Version : When will I feel better?

14-03-13, 18:38
I know that is not a question anyone can answer but I needed to write it down. I am having CBT, taking time off work as needed, on medication (went from 2.5mg to 10mg over last few weeks, waiting for it to kick in!) doing relaxation everyday.

How long can I go on like this? it feels unreal, everything has fallen apart so quickly. It has been 2 months today that I started getting the symptoms again after years with nothing.

I think a new, more challenging, job has triggered it and now I am stuck in a cycle of feeling dreadful. I think I am getting side effects from the increase (I was on such a low dose I might as well have been on none) which have meant I have to be off sick which puts us under strain in case I lose my job over this.

Maybe I should just go on long term sick until the meds have taken effect?

Also finding it difficult to eat and feel sick a lot. Felt very weak today and tired and like I might faint. Is that the meds or what?

I have so many questions no one can answer and I feel like I have lost my life. :weep:

When will I get it back? Plus I feel so bad about the strain it is putting on my partner.

Sorry to rant but needed to get it out there.

14-03-13, 18:58
It sounds as though the feeling sick, weak etc are all side effects from increasing your medication. I think it varies from person to person, but it usually takes about 6 weeks before you feel any real benefit from upping the dose of most antidepressants.

Hopefully if you put in to practice the skills you have learned from CBT, you will be able to overcome your anxiety sooner rather that later.

Try accepting all the symptoms and feelings you are having instead of fighting them, that will only make you more anxious.

One step at a time, there is no miracle cure.

14-03-13, 19:10
Thanks. I really wish there was! I wish someone could tell me what to do about work as that is what is stressing me at the moment.


14-03-13, 20:59
Hi there.Mental illnesses are far more recognised nowadays. ? Speek to your boss tell him or her whats going on and get there support, get a doctor to sighn you off untill you feel you can return to work.they cant sack you or anything.judt sit and talk it througj with your bosd, they will respect your honesty and support you.

14-03-13, 21:21
Thanks Greg. I have told my boss and HR what is going on. I have an appointment with occupational health on Tuesday. i hope they sign me off.

I think they can sack me as I am on my probation period as it is a new job. :(

14-03-13, 22:20
Mate they cant sack you fot being unwell.but i see what ypu are saying,they could let you go..But your health is far more important.good luck chap

15-03-13, 08:52
I know how you feel ineedlookingafter.

Starting a new and very stressful job was one of the contributors to my breakdown. I had 6 weeks off and had only been there 10 weeks so was still in my probationary period. Although my boss wasn't great, HR and OH were brilliant and didn't put me under any pressure to go back. The OH woman who dealt with me was herself a trained counsellor and I really had the sense that she understood.

I did go back but subsequently resigned, however there was no pressure to do so - the opposite in fact - I just did it because, as gregcool said, I decided my health is more important.

I've been thinking about why they were so good to me and I think it was because firstly I was completely honest with them from day 1 about what was going on with me, how I felt, what my GP said, what meds I was on. And secondly because, being naturally anxious, I am always very hard working and keen not to let anyone down. So they had seen my work ethic in the first 10 weeks of my time there and knew that I wasn't swinging the lead. I imagine the same is true of you - I think our anxiety makes us more conscientious than the average employee and therefore we are valued.

Keep doing what you're doing and don't put too much pressure on yourself to go back to work before you are ready. Ultimately your sanity is more important than your job.

Take care :hugs: