View Full Version : Constant dread, PLEASE HELP BY REPLYING

Australia bounds
14-03-13, 19:48
This is the second try at posting hopefully ill get a reply this time! I'm 19 and working away from home and have an extremely good job with brilliant opportunities! Anxiety is making me want to leave this job behind and run away but I feel I'm trapped in a hole I can't get out of. I've had heart tests ECG etc and all my blood tests done and they all came back ok but I'm still so sure there's something wrong with me but I can't put a finger on it! I constantly feel dizzy like I'm going to fall over and I get hot and cold flushes, feel sometimes like everything goes full, is this my brain? I also get really bad chest pains and heart attack like symptoms constantly, I've been toy doctor and they've told me its anxiety! I'm taking propranolol but if anything I'm feeling worse not better! It's taking over my life and I'm not the same lad anymore. I can't keep living like this but I don't know what else to do. Has anyone else felt like this? I feel trapped and extremely lonely! I sometimes feel like I'm having a stroke and I lose the feeling in my legs as well and my hands cramp up and I sweat alot, cold sweats. Please help!

14-03-13, 20:12
Hi Australia,

If you have had tests and nothing has been found, all the symptoms you describe could be anxiety. Has your doctor recommended anything to treat that?

I totally understand the feeling of wanting to run from a good job. I am struggling with that at the moment too.

I also feel trapped and lonely but perhaps you can find some comfort knowing that all the other people on this forum know what you are going through.

Take care. x

Australia bounds
14-03-13, 20:23
My doctor gave me propranolol and self help techniques for stress, but its not working! It's a horrible feeling and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, hopefully one day it will pass! Thanks a lot for your reply :(

Nicola joannidis
14-03-13, 20:26
Hi I take citalopram for my anxiety. I felt the same as you I also wanted to run from home but the meds are helping me deal with I better now

Australia bounds
14-03-13, 20:28
If it gets worse ill ask! I don't really want to be getting full of meds but I really feel this taking over my life, I feel like I'm a freak, constantly worried that I'm going to collapse and die! Thank you

Daisy Sue
14-03-13, 20:39
Have you tried doing a complete relaxation exercise... getting yourself to almost a state of meditation, breathing slowly & deeply, and then analysing as to whether you can still feel the symptoms of dizziness etc..? If they seem to go whilst relaxed, you can assume they're anxiety based.

14-03-13, 20:48
These things take time. How long have you been on the medication? It won't work straight away.

Try the relaxation techniques. Have you been offered CBT?


Australia bounds
14-03-13, 20:49
I know what you mean I've had the attacks as well!! But the dizziness at my work is really really bad, feels like my worlds just going to end, hard to explain! And I have tried the relaxation techniques and I did "kind of" feel relaxed but it only lasted for so long then I was back to my normal anxious self again! Not a good feeling at all, I hate it! Thank you for all your replies, I feel they are helping more than any meds already!

---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:48 ----------

I've been on meds for about a month now, what is CBT?

Daisy Sue
14-03-13, 20:56
I would say that if you felt 'kind of relaxed' after relaxation techniques, then this is definitely something worth dedicating some time to, every single day... the more you get into relaxation, the better you get at it, and the longer & more subtle the effects...

In time, if you keep it up, you can bring that state of relaxation back to you at will, when you feel anxiety coming on.

Australia bounds
14-03-13, 21:25
I will give it a try, thank you so much

---------- Post added at 21:25 ---------- Previous post was at 21:03 ----------

Thank you so much I will give it a try!' Hard to relax when I feel like this though, has anyone ever experienced very cold hands and feet? Strange question lol

15-03-13, 07:41
Hi, if your doc says all tests fine, then you must believe them. Your anxiety is probably triggered by working away from home, that doesn't mean you should run home though. Have a read of Claire Weekes books, or At last a life by Paul David. They both explain what panic and anxiety does to you and how to deal with it. Cold hands and feet and all the symptoms you mention are common to panic and anxiety.

Don't worry if relaxation doesn't work straight away, it's not an overnight cure. When you feel the anxiety coming, try not to fight it, just go limp and remember to breath normally, it will pass.

Explain to your doc if you haven't already, how much this is affecting your life. A good course of cbt may be helpful, and there is a free trial of cbt for panic on this website, not sure where, but you can type it into the search at top of page.

You can get better once you understand what's happening to you. Hope this helps. Good luck.

14-07-13, 08:03
id agree with daisy sue, keep with the relaxation stuff it does help, I suffer from anxiety and stress- I get stressed easily.
I take propranolol for the symptoms of anxiety but am working on relaxation and am waiting for Cognitive Behavioural therapy to help me with tools and techniques to help with my stress and anxiety, plus ive been reading about habits and using a cbt book. CBT therapy and books on habit may help you too