View Full Version : Ellectric shock through my body

14-03-13, 20:40
Hi guys..when I get a sudden stressed moment or a jumpy moment etc, I have started getting like a ellectric shock very quick and quite intence, flash through me.To my finger tips and head and feet, I can literally feel it flush through me like a proper ellectric shock.What the hell is this , all of a sudden. Its only been since iv been on a very very small dose of quetiapine..over the last few weeks.

15-03-13, 07:30
It could be a side effect of your medication, hopefully it will pass very soon. Sorry never taken Quietiapine so can't be of any more help, but I have had similar experiences on other medications.

15-03-13, 07:35
I get something similar in my head, but not due to quetiapine which I have been on :wacko: how are you getting on with the quetiapine?

15-03-13, 11:33
Dazza.The thing is i was told to try it out..Sp they gave me the lowest dose.and i took half for a week.i slept like a log But felt heavy tired all day long and felt more irritable than ever..very easy angered and this shock feeling rushong through me when ever i get stress.soy doc told me to take ab1/4..So i did for a week.but still knocked out at night .and irritable all day and very tired.so after that week he sugested to come off them as they are giving me bad side effects on such a small amount..So i stayed on tbem.still now o only take 1/8 of the smallest dose But still i sleep heavy and feel irritated all day with this shock feeling...i tried to stop taking this week but instantly wake through the night..i had insomnia before i took these so to sleep was great but these side effects are killing me esp on such a silly small amount of the meds..i just react badly to all meds iv ever taken .even on very very small amounts.but now i dont know what to do..I want to stop taking it and be drug free.but i then will suffer with my insomnia..ahhhhrr..any ideas.

15-03-13, 14:07
I couldn't stand them either and came off after 5 weeks. I'm currently taking amitriptyline, that's giving me
6 or 7 hours sleep and I feel calmer at the moment, slightly sedated but manageable. Have you ever tried these? I take 10 or 15mg at night and sometimes 5mg in the morning. I have severe anxiety especially concerning eating and swallowing due to choking on food and they are helping slightly.

15-03-13, 15:07
Yes mate.Iv been adviced to take these meds..But iv been told iv got to stop the other meds first..Iv been on Trazadone 50mg for months now.orig put on these as a sleep aid,which for a few months they realy worked well.Then they stoped making me sleep.so i was prescribed quiteapine for sleep aid and poss replace my traz...but as you read in my post i have found i cant stop one . even slowly,as i stop sleeping .when i started to cut down my trazadone slowly.i got terible SE anxiety DR ..etc..i hate all this shit.I just want a cleen slate and start again.My biggest issue is lack of sleep which amplifies my anxiety and causes me to feel very very low..to a point of wanting to take my own life when i get real tierd..So o feel traped at the mo ,not being able to come off anything..And do you know ,i think since iv been on and off different meds ,and since iv been on the ones im on now..Its all made me feel worse than i did before i started any of them...

15-03-13, 20:27
I think I feel generally worse actually. There are nights when I can't swallow the tabs due to my problem, and the following day I feel a lot brighter, but have to take diazepam to feel relaxed enough to attempt eating. Just taking diazepam makes me feel normal and slightly better, but I'd rely on the diazepam if they're all I take so I try not to. I don't believe meds are right for some people, I don't think they are for me, but I'm at a point where I don't know what else to do. Also, with no meds I get maybe 4 or 5 hours of interrupted sleep which kills me the next day and makes me a lot worse, same as you. What I will say is amitriptyline for me is the least offensive, and helps slightly. Giving quetiapine is ridiculous, it's too strong and did to me what it does to you.

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:18 ----------

Forgot to add, when I stopped quetiapine I was shaky inside and out for 3 days, but then it cleared, i was given 50mg. Also I think trazadone is the same group as amitriptyline so you might get on ok with it.

15-03-13, 20:35
Hi, electric sensations in your head are called "brain zaps". They're a well-known symptom of anxiety but they usually occur as a side effect or withdrawal effect of medication. It's not a stretch to imagine them occurring through your body. After all, brain signals are electrical impulses and nerves are the conduits they travel from. Always speak to a doctor if you're concerned, but I'd be shocked if it was anything to worry about.

15-03-13, 20:42
I feel for you mate..Its just all a big fast..We spend weeks,even months trying out meds only yo feel worse.it then takes weeeeks coming off them,with SE and often we feel worse for weeks after,then we do it all again.So we end up spending forever trying to find an answer,Like you im traped on meds thst are making me worse,but help with my sleep..im sure being on meds just makes us feel we are gettong more ill,when resly its our braon getting sick of all the different chemicals we are asking it to except...Im going to prob stsy on my trazadone and very very slowly increase it untill i reach around 150mg,and see how i go,if i can stop this other very small tablet and just be on traz and still sleep..otherwise im screwed.im not trying anymore different drugs.it just seems to me iv spent the last 2 years solid documenting my dailly routen and life on drugs..what a wast of 2 years with no improvement..good luck to you mate..keep in touch.

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Psyco..my shocks only happen when i get a stressed moment or made to jump at something or starteled.or feerfull in some way..so that rush of fear or adrenalin peps get in those moments,i get a complete body shock that realy strong..almost painful