View Full Version : doctors tomorrow still so anxious its to late and my cancer will have spread

mrs way to worried
14-03-13, 20:42
im still so convinced i have cancer of the salivary gland in my cheek ,i have all the symptoms of a salivary gland stone except one the hard pea sized rock like lump doesnt hurt which is what my doctor said if it was a stone it would be painfull , but its not ive started getting vile tasting saliva out the gland because of the blockage this has been going on for ages and i know by the time they find it i will allready be terminal ,every blood test i have it says ow iorn which they just say is diet related could it be linked to the tumour :(

14-03-13, 20:51
I actually had a salivary gland tumor. It was right under my ear, hard as a rock. I was young and had no clue what it was, by the time I got it looked at it was 10 years later and it just got huge out of nowhere. I was sure it was cancerous too bc it just got so big so fast. Mine also didn't hurt until I found out what it actually was and looked it up online and started giving myself symptoms of a cancerous tumor such as pain. Maybe u are doing that as well. My dr told me that 80% of the time the tumors are not cancerous. Let me know how it goes!

mrs way to worried
14-03-13, 20:57
will do thankyou im so terrified :( i went to the dentist and he said he could just see inflamation so to use mouth wash ,i had an xray 2 years ago but could see nothing i just want it dealing with so i can know if im gonna die

14-03-13, 21:01
If its just a stone, why are you so nervous? Most of those just pass on their own? A lot of people just get those, I'm not sure but I remember hearing about sucking on a lemon to get them to pass?

mrs way to worried
14-03-13, 21:08
ive had it for years its just getting bigger its like pea sized now ive tried lemons sucking sweets ect ,but then i read if it hurts to suck a lemon its cancer because oral cancer hates sourness and if i put a lemon in my mouth it swells up and hurts

14-03-13, 21:11
Well if you've had it for years then it's def not cancer. That's what my Dr told me. If you've had it for years and it's still pea sized I wouldn't worry!!

mrs way to worried
14-03-13, 21:19
really cause when i went into the dentist they had a poster that said mouth cancer can be hidden for years without being diagnosed and by then its to late thats why im so scared ,my husband said he thinks its smaller than a pea but apparently everything in ur mouth feels bigger thn it really is x

14-03-13, 21:27
Well the growth is in your salivary gland, right? So that wouldn't be mouth cancer, it would be salivary gland cancer, right? When I had mine looked at, they didn't even mention mouth cancer.

mrs way to worried
14-03-13, 21:31
fingers crossed ,ill let u know how i get on tomorrow xxxx