View Full Version : brain fog

15-03-13, 00:53
Hey everybody. As you probably know, I've been dealing with HA for about 6 months. Does anyone ever feel like they are getting "stupid" or slow in head, for lack of better terms? I feel like my brain is in a fog lately and I forget things that people told me, or I cant focus on something, or I lose things. I've always been quick thinking and generally bright, but I just feel so stupid lately. Im worried about early onset dementia or some horrible brain disease. Is this just anxiety, bad sleeping schedule, nervousness or what?? I'm also on Zoloft.

15-03-13, 01:50
I've been getting brain fog lately, but only because of my hypothyroid issues. It makes me extremely tired, slow and not with it. Not saying you have thyroid issues, but one of the side effects of Zoloft is difficulty concentrating & memory problems. I've never been on Zoloft, but maybe you should discuss this with your GP if Zoloft is giving you these issues..

15-03-13, 02:34
This can happen as your anxious mind is constantly on high alert, it only deals with what you make it think is important, in your case the worry over your health. Also if you are on medication, it can happen as a side effect. It is slightly worrying when you realise that your brain is not doing what it should be, but I doubt very much you have dementia or a brain disease.

I think many anxious people will relate to this, and it can definitely be a combination of anxiety, poor sleep, nerves and meds.

I would say don't worry but if it concerns you too much just mention it to your doctor just to put your mind at rest.

Kitti :)

15-03-13, 08:42
I can relate to the same thing.
i am constantly putting things away, then forgetting where they are---and talking to someone and forgetting what i had to say. Then again I am always uptight and anxious and nervy. I have been on libriam for a long time and I don't think
they are working for me now. I am going to mention these things the next time
I have a review at GPs.

15-03-13, 09:02
Yes! All the time. I think its due to anxiety - when you're anxious you're concentrating so much on your own thoughts and worries that you're less perceptive to everything going on around you. Thus you don't notice things and tend to be forgetful. My theory anyway :) x